“The Voice”: Alphonse refuses the song composed by his coach Zazie… and wins the trophy

A funny atmosphere

Before the evening even began, we knew that this final of “The Voice” was special. If the Toulouse brothers had no finalist at all last year, this time, all the coaches had sent a talent to the final. But Bigflo and Oli’s candidate, Adnaé, had to withdraw, and she gave birth three days ago. She was therefore replaced by Iris, her competitor in the semi-finals. The “brothers” did not seem comfortable, Zazie seemed elsewhere, Camille Lellouche, second chance coach, not at all complicit with the other coaches whom she joined directly in the final with her drafted candidate from “The Voice comeback”, Shanys…

The atmosphere was not as joyful and good-natured as during the season. – TF1 SCREENSHOT

Hiccups galore

These are the joys of live. And “The Voice” was no exception this Saturday, accumulating hiccups. Some visible and openly mocked, others embarrassing but not noted. Like Marc Lavoine who starts late Revolver eyes and chews gum throughout the song next to Alphonse. In the memory gap department, Baptiste Sartoria did well Salted popcorn with Santa.

Nikos who “dresses” Lara Fabian after her duet with Shanys, while her shirt falling on her shoulder is part of her “ style “, she says. And the presenter opened his shirt, before saying: “ I’m going to get killed by my mother. »

And even if these are not “hiccups” strictly speaking, the performances of certain candidates were frankly below the level expected for a final. Like Iris and her interpretation full of falsehoods on As per usual. Or the performance of Shanys who did not seem to understand, given the broad smile she displayed, the words of Hurt by Christina Aguilera.

>> Watch Baptiste Sartoria’s duet with Santa again.

Five singles to find on the platforms

This was the big news of this final: the five finalists each recorded their first single, already available on the platforms. My dream for Baptiste, In your eyes for Gabriel Lobao, It is not normal for Shanys, The storm for Iris and Every time for Alphonse.

A winner who refuses his coach’s song

The two “super finalists” each performed their single. Baptiste Sartoria gave his best performance since the start of the adventure, with his baritone voice but also a pretty head voice that we didn’t yet know about him. All on My dreama title written and composed by his coach Vianney, probably a future hit, as is notably And bam of Mentissa.

We thought Baptiste Sartoria was the favorite but it was the original Alphonse who won with 53% of the votes, offering Zazie his fourth trophy after the victories of Lilian Renaud, Maëlle and Aurélien Vivos last year.

Alphonse did not want to sing the song that Zazie proposed to him, and he won with 53% of the votes. – TF1 SCREENSHOT

Earlier in the evening she had rented her “ incredible talent as a performer ” on I’m a snob by Boris Vian. But at the very end of the show, we learned that his coach had written a song that Alphonse refused to sing. He finally interpreted Every time, a song in which he participated. “ I was very happy with the song I made for Alphonse, but he chose lightnessexplained Zazie in complete transparency. It’s difficult for an artist to say no, and it was difficult, there was a lot of discussion, it was heated, but he said no and I respect. »

Alphonse won with 53% of the votes.
Alphonse won with 53% of the votes. – TF1 SCREENSHOT

If I win, it’s because the public likes my style and recognizes me for who I really am “, he confided before singing. His “disobedience” to his coach, who repeatedly urged him to get out of his somewhat outdated style, finally paid off. Here is the young artist reassured.

>> Review Alphonse’s journey in the show.

A big regret

Gabriel Lobao (second from left) fully deserved the victory after his performances in the final.
Gabriel Lobao (second from left) fully deserved the victory after his performances in the final. – TF1 SCREENSHOT

In our eyes – and those of many Internet users who expressed it on social networks – Gabriel Lobao deserved to win. His duet with Nemo on the winning Eurovision song, The codefit him like a glove and the title seemed to have been written for his “ crazy voice », Says his coach Mika. On Who wants to live forever from Queen, too, he delivered a very beautiful performance, half-rock, half-lyrical. Mika said to him: “ For me tonight, The Voice is you. ” For us too.

>> Watch Gabriel Lobao’s duet with Nemo, winner of Eurovision 2024.



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