Salomé leaves the hospital, Lenglart responsible for her accident? Cardone empty Jude! The summary of the episode of Friday May 17, 2024

Salomé leaves the hospital, Lenglart responsible for her accident? Cardone empty Jude! The summary of the episode of Friday May 17, 2024
Salomé leaves the hospital, Lenglart responsible for her accident? Cardone empty Jude! The summary of the episode of Friday May 17, 2024

Today at 6:55 p.m. – by
Juliette Heuzebroc

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In Here it all begins this Friday, May 17, in Brittany, Kelly and Maya find Salomé. She has already been released from the hospital because she only has a few bruises. Teyssier makes sure Salomé is okay, she takes the opportunity to tell him about the restaurant she spotted and would like to consider buying.

Here it all begins in advance: Cardone fires Jude to bring back Livio

At Double A, Leonard, Billie and Penelope prepare fortune cookies that will denounce Cardone’s behavior. Jude arrives, he understands that something is going on without knowing what. During the service, the customers become agitated upon discovering the messages and Cardone loses his temper. After the service, she confronts Jude because she is convinced that he knows who is responsible. She fires him from Double A because he doesn’t want to give the names of the culprits. Rose and Clotilde confront Cardone, who denies everything and tells them that he has fired Jude. The Armand sisters take it very badly, especially when Cardone announces that he wants to reinstate Livio to put him at the head of Double A.

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Here it all begins in advance: The brakes on Salomé’s bike have been cut!

Laetitia and Lionel bring her bike back to Salomé: the brakes have been cut, it’s sabotage. Kelly thinks it’s Lenglart. They decide not to say anything so as not to interrupt the competition but to remain cautious. During training, Lenglart shows up and provokes them.

For his part, Jim comforts Jasmine because Cardone is furious about their third place. She also fears facing Kelly in the semi-final. At the same time, Malik suggests to Maya that they bury the hatchet. During the draw for the semi-finals, Jasmine’s brigade finds itself facing the Central region brigade. Kelly finds herself facing Lenglart. Malik and Maya continue to search for each other. Kelly remains convinced that Lenglart is responsible, Laetitia is not convinced but Zach gives them elements which support the thesis.

Here it all begins in advance: Thelma has Solal to wear

In the kitchen, Solal finds Thelma, who wants to help him redo the recipe. She cut him all his vegetables, so he agrees to give her advice. She takes the opportunity to continue the fight. David comes and tastes Thelma’s dish, he compliments her enormously. To thank them, she gives David a cell phone since she broke his. Solal thinks it’s too much, he forces David to pick up the phone and she offers to treat them to dinner. Finally, she finds herself alone with Solal and offers him a kebab. He finally relaxes.

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