Catherine Lara: “Boys must be taught to respect women”

I am doing very well physically. But my heart is broken: my beloved little brother, whom I loved so much, has just left. It’s very painful. You have to accept the grief and let it pass. I have some grieving to do. Fortunately, I have the chance to play music. I will be able to put all my strong emotions into it.

You are returning to Belgium with a show called “Identity”

. Why this title?

Catherine Lara.

Catherine Lara. ©Eric Bongrand

You remain linked to enormous successes: “The Diamond Rocker”, “Magical Night”, “The Chalk in the Inkwell”. Happy ?

These hits have punctuated my life and carried me. They are like little stars falling from the sky. That said, success should swell the heart, not the head. I’ve always held on to that. We are so lucky that people love us. This state of love must also be returned. I have had several musical lives thanks to my profession, with many unforgettable memories. Conducting an orchestra has been fabulous. I have memories of intense emotions, like playing Mozart’s “Requiem” in Cathedral. I also think of the Francofolies, where 10,000 people stayed in torrential rain to sing with us. It was gigantic.

How do you perceive the evolution of the place of women in society?

Fortunately, we are making good progress. Women are almost equal to men. When there are incompetent women in key positions, we will finally be equal! Let me clarify: this sentence is not mine, but Françoise Giroud. However, the opposite excess must be avoided. Movements like #MeToo are great because they protect women who have suffered horrific violence, but we must ensure that they do not drift.

In your opinion, what can be done to change this violent behavior?

It starts with education, from childhood. Little boys must be taught to respect women, to love them as equals. Instill in them that force should not interfere in relationships. That one day they will be in love and start a family.

You know Belgium well. What memory attaches you to it?

The human warmth of the Belgians reminds me of that of Quebec. But we must also mention its cultural and musical wealth: it is greater than that of . In another area, I would also like to talk to you about waterzooï. I love it (laughs)!

Which Belgian artist best embodies Belgium, in your opinion?

Catherine Lara performs on November 22, 2024 at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Charleroi and on October 17, 2025 at the Royal Circus in Brussels.

Catherine Lara performs on November 22, 2024 at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Charleroi and on October 17, 2025 at the Royal Circus in Brussels. ©PM

> Catherine Lara performs on November 22, 2024 at the Palais des Beaux-Arts in Charleroi and on October 17, 2025 at the Royal Circus in Brussels. She and her violin take us into the world of the dancers of La Cie Kumo, to the rhythm of her compositions and cinematic music. A journey full of emotion and poetry.

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