Booba takes on Aya Nakamura harshly

Booba takes on Aya Nakamura harshly
Booba takes on Aya Nakamura harshly

Booba seems to have a new target in his sights. The one who fired red hot bullets at Magali Berdah (and finds himself in court, indicted for harassment) and those he calls “influvoleurs”, and who also came to blows with Kaaris, this time wiped his sneakers on Aya Nakamura in the columns of Parisian.

“I can’t stand her. I had the misfortune of trying to talk to her. I find her haughty, overrated,” he says bluntly.

According to him, the 29-year-old singer, who performed at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, “has hits, but when it comes to writing, it’s sixth-grade level. And yet another sixth-grade repeater,” he is careful to point out, considering that he is “one of the few who still dare to say what they think.”

Besides a small problem of form, for the rapper, the substance is also too weak. “She acts like a star, but she doesn’t move anything forward. She never speaks out on anything. She who was attacked by racists, have we heard her?” he asks.

Olympic Games “indecent”

Booba has clearly disconnected during the summer. Aya Nakamura has indeed taken a stand during the last elections by calling on her audience to “vote, and against the only extreme to condemn because there is only one”. She (…) Read more on 20minutes

Also read:
Aya Nakamura is no longer the most listened to French-speaking artist in the world
Racist attacks against Aya Nakamura: Six people taken into custody, then released
Aya Nakamura and Kalash clash violently on social networks over a duet



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