China has reoffended. The Asian giant, expert in world records in the mega-infrastructure field, kicked off the year 2025 By announcing the imminent completion of the longest highway tunnel on the planet, whose work started just five years ago.
Located in the Xinjiang autonomous region, This huge gallery 22.13 kilometers long, called Tianshan Shengli, Crossing imposing mountains, which determined the enormous complexity of its construction.
This is also an important step in the connectivity of the largest province in China, Who will now change forever. This is an example of the way in which engineering can overcome extremely complex natural obstacles to improve the quality of life of some 20 million people living in this region.
Advanced engineering to challenge extreme conditions
The construction of the Tianshan Shengli tunnel was, of course, a Herculean task. The main challenge was to cross the Tianshan mountains, which are part of the Himalayan orogenic belt, Famous for its altitude and extreme climatic conditions, such as the -30 ° C found in winter.
To overcome these obstacles, engineers used advanced drilling technologies, to materials specially designed to withstand intense cold and underground pressures, as well as the workforce of more than 3,000 workers.
Another important achievement of this infrastructure is its advanced security system.
Over the entire length of the tunnel, Sensors have been installed every few kilometers To monitor structural conditions, automatic fire extinction systems and emergency stations.
Furthermore, It is equipped with a advanced ventilation system which ensures constant circulation of fresh air, A critical aspect in the tunnels of this caliber.
This ventilation well At a depth of 706 meters, Which is longer than Shanghai’s tower, the highest tower in China.
-An unprecedented economic and social impact
The Overture Du Tianlan ShenGhe Tians will mark a turning point for the Xinjiang region. Until now, trips through the steep mountains have been a major challenge, especially during the winter months, when the winding roads are often blocked by snow.
However, thanks to the new tunnel, a journey that is currently taking several hours will be made in just twenty minutes, This will undoubtedly improve trade and connectivity between local communities.
In addition, Tianshan Shengli is part of the ürümqi-yuli expressway, which will be 319.72 kilometers long when it is completed in October this year, And which will make it possible to cross the province from north to south in 180 minutes, considerably reducing a journey time which is currently seven hours.
The other big tunnels in the world
Although Tianshan Shengli is already considered the longest of motorway tunnels, Other corridors also impress by their extraordinary dimensions.
This is the case with the tunnel connecting Aurland and Lærdal in Norway. With its 24.5 kilometers, it became the longest conventional road tunnel in 2000. The Saint-Gothard tunnel, Switzerland, with its 57.1 kilometers, Also deserves to be mentioned as the longest rail tunnel in the world.
In the chapter devoted to submarine tunnels, the Channel Tunnel, which connects France to the United Kingdom, stands out for its length of 50.5 kilometers. On this length, 37.9 kilometers are immersed.
Each of these impressive infrastructures required the application unique engineering solutions To meet the extremely complex challenges that arose.
While the Saint-Gothard tunnel is conditioned by the pressure and heat of the alpine depths, The Channel Tunnel had to overcome the enormous complexities linked to its construction under the sea.