Flu, covid-19, zona, pneumococcal or syncytial respiratory virus infections (VRS). The vaccination of over 65 against these five diseases must become a priority, alerts the National Academy of Medicine.
It’s a “Duty of neglected prevention” that “A priority public health objective”. In the midst of flu epidemic, the National Academy of Medicine sounds alert on the low vaccination coverage of seniors. This one “Stagne at a low level”while those over 65 are particularly at risk due to the decline of their immune functions. The Academy recalls that only 54 % of seniors are vaccinated against flu. However 79 % of people hospitalized in intensive care, during the first week of January 2025, were not vaccinated. Likewise for the COVVI-19, only 30 % of seniors are vaccinated. More than 90 % of deaths attributable to flu or COVID-19 occur after 65 years, while their vaccines are covered by health insurance.
Three other infections considerably impact the quality of life and the autonomy of seniors: pneumococcal infections, syncytial respiratory virus (VRS) and zona. However, the vaccination rate against pneumococcal infections falls to 5 % and 4 % for the zona. Respiratory infections are responsible for high morbidity and mortality in this age group, due to a “Risk of cardiovascular accidents significantly increased in the weeks following a respiratory infection”specifies the academy. As for the zona, its prevalence exceeds 10 per 1000 among those over 70, accompanied by frequent painful complications for several months.
All health professionals are encouraged to verify that the vaccination status of elderly patients is updated, on the basis of the new recommendations of the High Authority for Health (HAS) for these diseases, which date from March 2024 for the Zona and October 2024 For pneumococcus. “” All opportunities to update vaccinations » must be seized: consultations, hospitalizations, trips abroad, etc. Another lever, develop mobile vaccination teams to go to residents in nursing homes and beneficiaries of the personalized autonomy allowance living at home. Finally, health and personal assistance personnel are called upon to vaccinate, especially in epidemic periods.