On January 7, 2015, Antonio Fischetti, science journalist at Charlie Hebdo since 1997, buried his aunt, his mother’s sister, in Saône-et-Loire. He learned of the attack which decimated his editorial team, his friends, his mentors, as he left the cemetery. With this film, which took him more than ten years to create, he questions himself, a lot. On the psychoanalyst Elsa Cayat, whom he filmed at length and questioned about her own fascination with prostitution.
On his relationship with religion, too, he who was raised by a very religious Italian mother, in a world where plastic virgins and aluminum medals served as talismans. On the entrance to Charlie Hebdo in his childhood life, through his sisters, then students: he read the satirical weekly, between a hot chocolate and toasts of butter and cocoa, with delight, as an entry also into the great mystery of sexuality, a subject that could no longer be taboo.
Picking up the pieces
With a lively, attentive and intense gaze, Elsa Cayat asks him to think about his personal fictions, and to make the link between the parts of his own personal and family history. So, with the help of her two sisters, a former collaborator of Charlie and especially the psychoanalyst Yann Diener, he puts the pieces together in this film which is as much introspection as it is a painful tribute to the missing, and to the still living diary.
This creative documentary, very crazy, is terribly personal. We smile at a text message from Elsa Cayat, while Antonio Fischetti is unfairly accused of anti-Semitism: “You are anti these myths”which tells its author so beautifully.
We are also often heartbroken when faced with the survivor’s syndrome from which the journalist suffers. In the end, he agrees to listen, literally and figuratively, to Elsa Cayat’s advice: “We must not try to find generalities, we must delve into its history. And then you have to swim. » Heartbreaking.
I don’t want to go there anymore momby Antonio Fischetti, France, 1h50, broadcast at Espace Saint-Michel, Paris 5th.
The journal of free intelligence
“It is through extensive and exact information that we would like to give to all free intelligences the means of understanding and judging world events for themselves. »
Such was “Our goal”as Jean Jaurès wrote in the first editorial of l’Humanité.
120 years later, it hasn’t changed.
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