A bear in the Jurathe new comedy by Franck Dubosc, has had an excellent start since its release on January 1, 2025 with more than 60,000 admissions on the first day. The comedian directs and stars in his film. However, certain sequences bothered the main person concerned.
A start with a bang. Released this Wednesday January 1, 2025, A bear in the Jura wowed spectators for its first day of operation. Despite this day after New Year's Eve, 60,225 curious people rushed into the theaters to discover Franck Dubosc's new comedy. A score to which must be added 29,000 other tickets, sold during previews. Never before has a film by the comedian achieved such a result. For example, in March 2018, Everyone standingwith Alexandra Lamy, attracted 46,500 people for a final result of more than two million entries. This bodes well for the director.
After Rumba life in 2022, Franck Dubosc returns with A bear in the Jura where he appears again. He plays Michel, in a relationship with Cathy, played by Laure Calamy, who recently played the mythomaniac of the Bataclan in A devoted friend on Max. The two protagonists no longer understand each other, especially as they face numerous financial difficulties. But their lives will be turned upside down when the man accidentally kills two motorists while trying to avoid a bear on the road. In their safe, he discovers two million euros in used notes. What will he decide?
“Easier to direct an actor who has to kill someone than a couple making love…”
Inspired by Fargo by the Coen brothers, the hero of Camping makes a noir film with a detective plot but very amusing sequences. One of them takes place in a libertine club, a place that Franck Dubosc never frequented, he confided in the press kit. “I was very embarrassed when we shot those scenes. And even more so when we shot the love scene in the car. And then when I saw the rushes, I told myself that I had gained a little weight (laughs)… Indeed, my modesty forbids me from fully directing these scenes. Those of the swingers club were however necessary for me since these places are part of the reality that I was looking for. However, I now know that it is much easier for me to direct an actor who has to kill someone than a couple who make love…“, he concluded. A bear in the Jura is currently showing in many cinemas in France.