Despite its more than 40 years of existence, the Star Wars franchise still has some gray areas, and mysteries that fans have still not resolved. But everything does not necessarily have to be said, this is what helps to create debate among the fanbase, and to maintain the magic around the saga. The proof in five examples.
Was George Lucas serious about Dark Starkiller?
Starkiller is a character from the games diptych Star Wars: The Force Unleashed released in the 2000s. First known as Galen Marek, he was a Force-sensitive child born on Kashyyyk and abducted by the Sith Lord Darth Vader just after the rise of the Empire. But the history around the character dates back well before the 2000s, and even to the beginnings of Star Wars. Originally, the name refers to Luke Starkiller, le nom original de Luke Skywalker. Later, George Lucas reportedly suggested giving Starkiller the names «Dark Icky» et «Dark Insanius», according to one of the Aspyr developers who worked on the game. Was it a joke? Or was George Lucas serious in coming up with this strange name? Opinions differ on Reddit.
Why was George Lucas a fan of Dark Talon?
This name will certainly not mean anything to fans of the films, but will speak more to those who are interested in the extended universe, and more particularly in the Comics. Dark Talon is a Sith who appeared in the comic series Star Wars: Legacy which took place several decades later Return of the Jedi. But George Lucas had other plans for her, long before her induction. At the starthe intended to make Dark Talon one of the main villains in his sequels (before the acquisition of Lucasfilm by Disney). He even went so far as to suggest that she be part of the video game Battle of the Sith Lordsa game project from Red Fly Studio finally canceled in 2011. She was supposed to team up with Darth Maul, but being 170 years her junior, the idea was finally abandoned due to lack of consistency. The director therefore seemed to be a big fan of this Twi'lek Sith with its badass design, and strived to give it more scope. While Disney plans to expand the universe of the Very Distant Galaxy, it could well be that Dark Talon will appear in live-action in the years – even decades – to come, within one of the many projects that Disney intends to carry out.
What does a Jawa look like?
Who is hiding under his big brown coats and behind his orange eyes? This is a question that every Star Wars fan has asked themselves. Speculation is rife about the identity of the Tatooine scrap dealers. Some say they resemble rodents, others say deformed humanoids. In the series The Book of Boba Fettthe repairer Pelli Motto declared for her part that they were “quite hairy”. But almost 50 years after their creation, no one knows the answer, the Jawas remain one of the biggest mysteries of the entire saga.
Did Mace Windu really defeat Palpatine?
Another question to which we will probably never have the answer. As everyone knows, Mace Windu was killed by Emperor Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith, after a fierce fight. During the confrontation, the Jedi master gradually gains the upper hand over the Sith, before Anakin decides otherwise. But some think that Palpatine willingly allowed himself to be dominated to create the trigger in his future apprentice, so that he commits the irreparable, and plunges definitively towards the dark side of the Force.
Who is the most powerful Force user in Star Wars?
Is he a Jedi? or a Sith? Speculation is rife as to who the most powerful Force user in the entire Star Wars galaxy is. If it has never been determined who was the most powerful of all, everyone has their own idea on the question. Some will lean towards Anakin Skywalker, then Darth Vader, while others will opt for his master Darth Sidious. Others claim that it is actually Luke, since he technically defeated his father during the fall of the second Death Star.
And to go further on the question, discover this article on this Sith, who would be at least as powerful as Darth Sidious.