“Our youth in Montceau at the time of the Gueules Noires”

“Our youth in Montceau at the time of the Gueules Noires”
“Our youth in Montceau at the time of the Gueules Noires”

He is not talkative, but he has so much to say. He has a vocabulary and a choice of words, everyone knows it when they converse with him, but here they only find “Unheard of”. It’s unheard of, right? Unheard of, that this is the first word and only exclamation of President Casimir Kielbasa, in front of the Embarcadère hall, filled to the brim, this January 19, 2024.

As will become the custom, the last arrivals were unable to access the room due to lack of space, during the screening of the film: “Our youth in Montceau in the time of the Gueules Noires”. Since this incredible scene, he was able to gauge what the directors and producers feel whose feature films are a hit.

It is true that the figures are incredible and so is their constantly renewed progression. Figure out 2300 people during the 4 performances. This extraordinary enthusiasm for this documentary film means something, formidable in the sense of excellent, of great strength. Because the success continues at home, hundreds of USB keys and double DVDs have been sold since the first session.

And this evening of June 27th, during the “Partners’ Evening”, he found all of this “incredible” again. This evening was organized by the Ciné Caméra Club in its premises to reward the people who kindly lent photos and videos for the film “Our Youth in Montceau in the Time of the Gueules Noires” as well as the people who were interviewed in the film or who helped develop the script during meetings before the first images were taken. The gifts they were given were either a USB key or a DVD of the film.

But the life of this documentary acclaimed by the population continues actively. Casimir Kielbasa has more than one date up his sleeve. He informs urbi et orbi that the film will be screened at the “Petit Guichet” in La Saule in July, date to be confirmed, and on September 22 at the Embarcadère during the Heritage Days.

In addition, as they say in the desert, during these heritage days, three films made by the Ciné Caméra Club will be broadcast on a loop, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Auditorium des Ateliers du Jour:

– The Mine and the Men

– Darcy

– The steam cylinder from Aillot.

And Casimir does not intend to put the camera back in its sheath like that, he warns that there will be no respite for all the members of the Ciné Caméra Club during the summer period. A word to the wise! Are we a very active association or not? Projects abound, it is appropriate to put the work back on the loom a thousand times.

Attention, it’s spinning: “ACTION!!!”

Gilles Desnoix



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