7 years after its release, this film with a catastrophic rating rises to the top

7 years after its release, this film with a catastrophic rating rises to the top
7 years after its release, this film with a catastrophic rating rises to the top

A chilling science fiction film is causing a sensation on French Netflix at the moment. Released in 2017 and destroyed by critics, it is nevertheless 8th in the top 10 of the platform.

Sometimes you have to escape. To escape the gloomy or anxiety-provoking daily life, many people turn to fiction. Films and series come to the aid of our imagination. In recent days, many French Netflix subscribers have opted for science fiction to take their minds off things. They brought in the film Geostorm in 8th place in the platform’s top 10. A performance for this film released in 2017 which is only recommended at 35% by viewers on Rotten Tomatoes. It seems that the French still appreciate this disaster film directed by Dean Devlin, to whom we also owe the screenplay of Independence Day, Godzilla or Stargate, the stargate. The acting performance of Gerard Butler, the main character in the film alongside Jim Sturgess, may also have something to do with it.

Natural disasters are shaking the world Geostorm

Geostorm tells the story of a new satellite tool for regulating the climate, called Dutch Boy. Created after a series of natural disasters, it is located on the International Space Station and led by Doctor Jake Lawson (Gerard Butler). After stopping a disaster in China thanks to Dutch Boy against the advice of the international community, Jake is fired by his brother Max. Three years later, the two brothers discover that Dutch Boy is being sabotaged to cause disasters. They must find out who caused it to avoid what would be destructive: a geostorm.

What movies Geostorm can it still dislodge?

Despite the negative reviews, Geostorm succeeded in convincing French spectators. Perhaps to the point of slowly climbing into the top 10. For the moment he has the film in front of him Broken (Breaking in the original version), a thriller about an impoverished ex-Marine willing to commit crimes to find money to raise his daughter. At #6 in the top 10, we find Under the Seine, which has achieved a spectacular performance by remaining at the top of the rankings since its release. On the first step of the podium, Riposte on the other hand seems untouchable.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias



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