A little extra thing, the cinema phenomenon of the year: heading for 10 million admissions! – Cinema News

A little extra thing, the cinema phenomenon of the year: heading for 10 million admissions! – Cinema News
A little extra thing, the cinema phenomenon of the year: heading for 10 million admissions! – Cinema News

Artus’ comedy, which will be boosted by the Cinema Festival this weekend, should continue to attract a large audience, up to the symbolic milestone of 10 million admissions. Return to a phenomenon.

After 8 weeks at the top of the box office, Un P’tit truc en plus gave up its first place last night! Artus’ comedy, which now has 7.8 million admissions, was unable to fight against the steamroller Vice-Versa 2, but has already achieved unexpected scores and become the biggest success for a French film for 10 years, in front of La Famille Bélier.

If the success is undisputed today, and far from being over, with the milestone of 10 million admissions already acquired according to all the experts – the film should also be boosted this weekend thanks to the Cinema Festival , and its ticket at the preferential rate of 5 euros, everywhere in France – we must remember that no one predicted such a score for the film.

A few days after the release, Artus confessed to having the objective of surpassing L’Arnacoeur, the first feature film having reached almost 4 million admissions. But he probably wasn’t thinking of a milestone as high as the 10 million admissions that the film should reach by the end of the summer.

Un P’tit truc en plus is one of those “success stories” of cinema, where quite simply the stars are aligned… after a difficult start to getting the project underway.

A project initially refused by many producers!

Throughout the promotion that has taken place in recent weeks, Artus has made no secret of the fact that the path has been paved with pitfalls to achieve this project. Clearly, no producer wanted to embark on this adventure, for various reasons.

In an interview with Brut, Artus explained, without any rancor: “Nobody came. But so much the better! Because in the end, it’s a small production, a small distributor, a small budget and therefore a small film. And I find that the story is even more beautiful to crush the big American blockbusters with a small film like that. (…)

In France, as soon as we propose something different, often the productions need to have a model. It doesn’t look like anything else we’ve done before, so we don’t know how it’s going to be taken, so we don’t do it.”

The story is even better to crush the big American blockbusters with a small film like that.

And added: “And then there is the subject of disability which bothered people.”

In the film’s press kit, Artus clearly states that the doors were closed due to the film’s subject matter: “We encountered a lot of refusals. We heard some completely crazy sentences – “well, that’s okay, we know they exist, we’re not going to show them either

It’s distressing. It talks about the fear, the rejection that disability still causes today. But precisely, that’s why we have to go on these subjects.”

In 2024 can we still say that?

Artus does not hide having been embarrassed by the formulation of certain refusals, between a producer who confides “change sidewalk“when she comes across people with disabilities, or others even expressing one”fear” !

There are people who really told me “No, but we don’t want to, they scare me”. I’ve definitely had things where you say “wow”. In 2024 can we still say that?“, he indicated on the set of It’s yours, in Cannes.

I still embrace all the people who said no to this film, who clearly told me: “No one wants to see 10 disabled people in the cinema”… But we embrace them! Change nothing! 2024!“, says Artus, full of mischief, in The Canal+ question box.

And to show his perseverance: “In any case, the more people told me no, the more I wanted to make this film. If I had to do just one, then I wanted it to be this one.

A relationship between Le Huitième Jour and Un P’tit truc en plus

Artus therefore did not give up and finally found the support of Philippe Godeau, who, almost 30 years ago, had already committed to a film that no one has forgotten: Le Huitième Jour.

This film is one of those that changed the way we look at disability. Released on May 16, 1996 in France, Jaco Van Dormael’s film recorded more than 3.6 million admissions.

I was fascinated by The eighth day. At the time, I said to myself: “That’s it, it’s opening!”. But the door closed just as quickly. I wanted to go back because things need to change: differences are a strength, I am convinced of that“, explains Artus in the press kit for the film.

I think making a film with different people every 28 years, It is not enoughcontinues Artus in C to you. I said to myself: “I’m going to put eleven at once”. At least we gain a few years.

I hope that it will make people in the cinema understand that this is a suet that is interesting. Intouchables, it talks about disability, it was a hit. The Bélier Family, it talks about disability, it was a hit. Out of the norm, it was a hit… We now have proof that it’s a popular subject, so let’s go ahead, let’s get them to play more!”

For the record, The Eighth Day was celebrated in Cannes (by Mr. Francis Ford Coppola!), with a double Interpretation Prize for Daniel Auteuil and the actor Pascal Duquenne, suffering from Down syndrome (trisomy 21).

Welcomed as a star at the Cannes Film Festival!

The symbolic high point of the career of Un P’tit truc en plus happened exactly a month ago, with a historic climb of the steps in Cannes, which we had the privilege of following. The joy and emotion of the entire team was palpable. Certainly one of the most beautiful climbs up the steps of the 2024 Cannes Film Festival

“We lived on top of each other with such happiness… And for it to end like this… There is a fairy tale side“, rejoices Clovis Cornillac at the microphone of AlloCiné on the way to the marches. “We couldn’t dream of better“, adds Artus. “They’re on top of the world and it’s crazy. Even if it ends tomorrow, it’s magical. But it doesn’t have to end tomorrow.”

How far will A Little Something Extra go?

As we indicate above, the objective of 10 million admissions is within reach of the film, a higher score than Le Diner de cons for example.

Another goal, even crazier? The one to go to the…Oscars! As Paris Match tells it, Artus jokes by saying: “If I put [le panier à 5 millions d’entrées]we have the Oscar for best foreign film.” And Paris Match adds: “And he put it“. See you in Los Angeles in spring 2025? The United States is in any case already interested in making a remake of the film!

This film was never thought of, made, designed to be a war machine on the market. And there you have it, people are grabbing it. You, although you play in it, you are just witness to the phenomenon“, concludes Clovis Cornillac to Le Parisien. Which makes this whole story even more beautiful and incredible!

If you haven’t seen the film yet, A little thing in addition is quite simply a sunny and touching comedy. It follows in the footsteps of a film like The Eighth Day, and finds a balance between humor, emotion and above all a great kindness, which can raise awareness.

A Little Thing in Plus is still in theaters, and heading towards 8 million admissions at the time of writing these lines.



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