The Sith in The Acolyte had hidden another secret in his gear

The Sith in The Acolyte had hidden another secret in his gear
The Sith in The Acolyte had hidden another secret in his gear

The Sith from The Acolyte has more than one trick up his sleeve. He fights well, he is powerful in the Force, his equipment uses very particular materials… and what’s more, he has equipment that allows him to get out of a bad situation.

We suspected it with the final moments of episode 4 of The Acolyte : the mysterious helmeted Sith looks very strong. Episode 5, available for streaming since July 26 on Disney+, confirms this impression. His abilities are incredible. This is also an opportunity to see that his equipment is really not ordinary at all. The following contains spoilers.

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A shoto lightsaber for the Sith Qimir

Episode 5 is full of twists and turns. We discover the identity of the Sith (Qimir). We see that his armor and his helmet are based on cortosis, a kind of metal capable of resisting the blade of a lightsaber (but also of short-circuiting it). We also notice that the Jedi team around Sol is really no match.

The Sith, however, still had one more ace up his sleeve: a small lightsaber hidden in his main weapon. This is called a “shoto.” It could be considered the samurai equivalent of the wakizashi: it is in fact a small saber that comes in addition to the katana. In fact, shoto means small saber in Japanese.

Malin. // Source : Lucasfilm

This secret weapon was indeed very secret, since the small saber was in short the extension of the large one. During his fight against padawan Jecki Lon, the Sith then unscrews the two parts of the hilt to reveal the shoto. He lights it and pierces the young woman three times, who had not seen anything coming.

The shoto is particularly used by those who practice the form of combat with two lightsabers (Jar’Kai). In the Expanded Universe, characters like Mara Jade Skywalker and Luke Skywalker have been brought to use it. In canon, Ahsoka Tano has one. Same thing for Yoda, but as a main saber, because it is more adapted to his size.

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