End of X-Wing and Star Wars Armada • Board Games News • Star Wars Universe

End of X-Wing and Star Wars Armada • Board Games News • Star Wars Universe
End of X-Wing and Star Wars Armada • Board Games News • Star Wars Universe

Finally, double news, very sad for Star Wars figure game players, has fallen: AMG will no longer produce new content for Star Wars Armada and X-Wing. Here is the content of the announcement posted on the game publisher’s website Friday June 14:

Message from Atomic Mass Games:

Or translated into French:

“After much careful consideration, we are here today to announce the end of development on Star Wars™: X-Wing and Star Wars: Armada.

We are grateful to the community for their passionate engagement and support. Over the past few years, increasing production costs, global manufacturing, and pandemic-related challenges have made it increasingly difficult to produce high-quality pre-painted figures, ultimately leading to the decision to discontinue Development.

Although development is complete, we are not completely withdrawing from these games. Atomic Mass Games will continue to support tournaments and organized play for both games, with OP kits available in your local stores, culminating in the Open World Championship at AdeptiCon in March 2025.

Thank you for your support and dedication. »

Two quick comments. First of all, the announcement of the end of Star Wars Armada is a semi-surprise as the game was in virtual hibernation. Besides, AMG had not published any new ship boxes for the game.

For X-Wing things are a little more unexpected even if we know that the move to version 2.5 was poorly received by a community which had already had to endure the – very expensive – move to the second edition. Was it prudent for AMG to embark on such a policy which significantly changed the philosophy of the game? X-Wing was designed as a dogfighting game… could we force it to be a scenario game? Could we go against the policy of FFG which had wanted to create more granularity in the constitution of squadrons by requiring the creation of squadrons with 20 squadron points? AMG’s fairly casual communication policy may have succeeded in dividing a community already weakened by the COVID crisis.

What will happen now? Unless a new publisher decides to buy the license, the game will have to be carried at arm’s length and voluntarily by the players. This is already partly the case since players who refused edition 2.5 have maintained a community called X-Wing Legacy. Will 2.5 fans do the same? Can we consider a merger of communities while retaining elements from 2.5 and others from 2.0? It is difficult to see clearly at the moment.



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