Sixth Sense: this little visual detail could have ruined the end of the film for you – Cinema News

A look back at M. Night Shyamalan’s most famous film and its incredible final twist, which you could have seen coming from the first viewing provided you were very observant.

SPOILERS – Warning, the article below reveals potential spoilers. If you do not wish to know its contents, please do not read what follows…

Among all the legendary theater twists of the big screen, that of Sixième Sens is undoubtedly one of those which marked our memories as spectators.

Indeed, in 1999, the plot trap set up by M. Night Shyamalan abruptly closed on its audience after an hour and 40 minutes of film, and we suddenly understood that Dr. Malcolm Crowe, played by Bruce Willis, was dead. since the very first sequence of the feature film.

One of the most memorable endings in cinema

A real shock for most spectators! And yet… As was noted in an article from Yahoo (and very recently our colleagues atAdoroCinema), a visual clue subtly slipped throughout the plot could have allowed the most perceptive observers to guess the ending in advance.

Let’s take a look back at this detail that perhaps caught your attention the first time you saw Sixième Sens.

Touchstone Pictures

Indeed, when you rediscover the feature film, pay close attention to the objects that have a bright red color in the film. As analyzed by several fansthese elements would have been strategically placed in the image by Shyamalan at the moment when interactions between dead and living characters occur.

Have you paid attention to the color red?

So when the young boy played by Haley Joel Osment finds himself locked in a closet with a ghost during a birthday party, he wears a red sweater and follows a red balloon. When he comes face to face with the dead girl, at the end of the film, he is in his red tent. And it is with a pen with red ink that he feverishly transcribes the conversations of the ghosts that he hears around him.

Touchstone Pictures

Obviously, given that Malcolm is also one of the ghosts, the sequences in which he intervenes also include (at least, most of the time), an element of red color. When he “dines” alone with his wife at the restaurant, the latter wears a red dress. When she gives a book to her new boyfriend (much to Malcolm’s dismay), the wrapping paper is bright red. As for the handle of the cellar in which the protagonist keeps his recordings, it is also red in color.

Have you spotted any other elements that allow you to guess the ending of Shyamalan’s film?

(Re)discover all the hidden details of “Sixth Sense”…



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