Far Fewer Quebecers Change Address on July 1, According to Movers

Far Fewer Quebecers Change Address on July 1, According to Movers
Far Fewer Quebecers Change Address on July 1, According to Movers

But this custom is disappearing, particularly in Montreal. More and more people are now choosing to change their address to another date, moving companies note.

Pierre-Olivier Cyr, co-owner of Clan Panneton, has never seen such a spread.

“In Montreal, July 1 will be fairly quiet, but all the days around this date, two weeks before and two weeks after, are “booked”. When I look at my table, I don’t have a curve on July 1 where I need 300 movers because it’s crazy. Quite the contrary. The curve is flat, but it’s much higher than it was. I don’t have my “peak” from July 1,” he said in an interview with The Canadian Press.

According to him, the “renovictions” would be the main cause of this new phenomenon.

“This year, there is one particularity: we have never filed so many applications with the Régie du logement for evictions. That represents 40% of moves. It was very quiet until March-April, I was at about 200 fewer moves. All of a sudden, it started to take off, and now I am at about fifty more.

“Since there are a lot of moves paid for by owners and they don’t want to pay the July 1 rates, they find agreements with their tenants so that they move a week or two before or after. So there is a “boom” at the moment because there are last minute agreements.”

TO SEE | Housing crisis: July 1st not very busy for movers

In 2023, the company which conducts its activities in Quebec and Montreal had calculated a significant drop of 30% in demand compared to the previous year. Business is much better in 2024.

“There was a boom with the reduction in interest rates. I have the impression that the madness is starting again. I am happy for this year, rejoices Mr. Cyr. In Montreal, the dates of June 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 have been 100% full for a long time. And it’s not because of the rates since they’re only apartments.”

Consumers also benefit, because the price of a move is set based on the principle of supply and demand.

“When the peak period arrives, we have to rent additional trucks and pay for employment agencies, so we indirectly pass the bill on to consumers. That’s why it’s more expensive on July 1st. This year, as demand is spread out, we were able to control our costs for July 1, especially in Montreal. It’s a win-win for consumers since it costs them less in the end,” underlines Mr. Cyr.

He points out, however, that “it’s a completely different story elsewhere in Quebec because there is a labor shortage everywhere except in Montreal.”

An outdated idea?

The co-owner of Clan Panneton hopes that this trend will continue and spread to the entire province.

“I must admit that my wish is that we succeed in keeping this trend and stretching it even further. If we succeed in extending the moves more and more, it will be less chaotic on July 1st. It could be much easier this year. And I hope that it will continue to stabilize in the coming years.”

He considers that “it’s a bygone idea” in 2024 to systematically move on July 1st.

“If the housing crisis has changed people’s habits when it comes to moving, that’s at least something good. Adaptation is a positive side for customers.”

Valérie Saint-Amour, who manages Déménagement Puissance, draws the same observation as Pierre-Olivier Cyr.

“I was born into moving, so I know how it works. July 1st is really not like it used to be. Normally, the days before July 1st are already “booked” since March, but I still have space this year. And it’s quiet for July 2nd, when we usually have a lot of work,” she says.

Like her colleague, Ms. Saint-Amour observed a longer staggering of orders.

“The rush lasts all month, but it’s more spaced out than before. The good news is that we have work all year long, but it’s spaced out.”

A historic low

Overall, she noted that “there is definitely less traffic than before” and that “people are not moving anymore because of the housing crisis.”

“Today, people no longer want to move. With the housing crisis, before moving, they will think twice,” adds Mr. Cyr.

The Quebec Statistics Institute (ISQ) confirms their words: the number of moves has never been so low. In 2023, some 658,000 people changed their address, or 7.8% of the province’s population. In comparison, this rate was 10.3% just four years ago.

“The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), during its rental survey, calculates the tenant turnover rate. This has been declining for a few years and is now very low, indicating that few tenants are moving at the moment. The lack of housing on the market and high rental prices help explain this phenomenon,” says CMHC spokesperson David Harris.

At 1.3%, the vacancy rate in Quebec is the lowest in 20 years. As for the average rent, it has increased by 17% in two years. In the past year, rent increases have outpaced both inflation and wage growth, reports CMHC.



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