Tomer Sisley refuses a role in “James Bond” and explains why

Tomer Sisley refuses a role in “James Bond” and explains why
Tomer Sisley refuses a role in “James Bond” and explains why

Tomer Sisley is currently touring television sets to promote the new opus: The Price of Money of the saga Long Winch. This Saturday June 15, he was the guest of Léa Salame on the set of What an era! The actor opened up about his fears, explaining why after episodes 1 and 2, released in 2008 and 2011, he waited so long before agreeing to play the sexy comic book billionaire a third time.

The Franco-Israeli then returned to one of the biggest regrets of his acting career. He confided that he refused a role in one of James Bond having enjoyed the greatest commercial success, Sky Fall. A refusal which, however, did not prevent him from having a huge career and even touring with Leonardo DiCaprio.

Tomer Sisley opens up about his fears

Tomer Sisley is present everywhere in the media to highlight Largo Winch 3: the price of money which will be released on July 31. On this occasion, he confided his happiness at putting on the costume of the billionaire adventurer. It’s awesome to be able to play a character like Largo Winch is unique in a career.” He also returned to the difficulty of playing such a physically demanding role. “I tore my shoulder on a motorbike practicing for a stunt before the first day of filming ». A shoot which, as he explains, was “the most grueling of the three films”.

But it wasn’t the fear of getting hurt that pushed Tomer Sisley to refuse to shoot a third episode of Long Winch. If he said no to producers between 2011 and 2024, it was, as he reveals, so as not to be locked into a role. “ After Largo Winch 2, I was very afraid of becoming Largo Winch. I didn’t want to do Largo Winch 3, 4, 5, 6…” The actor preferring to concentrate on other projects: “We talked about it at the time with the producers, I didn’t say never again, but at that time, I wanted to do other things”.

Tomer Sisley refuses a role in a James Bond

This Saturday, June 15, Tomer Sisley was on the set of What an era!, he looked back on the rest of his career after the success of Largo Winch. He notably shared an astonishing anecdote. He refused a role In Sky Fall the 25th James Bond. A refusal that few actors can afford, but which Tomer Sisley explains by the absence of text. “The film started with a 20-minute fight sequence with a character. It was this character that was proposed to me, but he didn’t say a word”.

“The character should not say a word. I told them, ‘You can hire a stuntman, he’ll do it just as well as me.’ Obviously, I want to be in a James Bonda superhero capable of killing someone with nail clippers, but my job is an actor, not a stuntman! If I don’t have a line, I have nothing to stand for as an actor. », explained the 49-year-old actor. Years later, Tomer Sisley regrets his choice, as he explained to Léa Salamé. “Yeah, I’m sorry. It’s bullshit because it was, for me, the best James Bond. » Refusing a film that has become a worldwide success with revenues of more than a billion dollars is not given to everyone!



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