“After a surgical and forced break”: Anthony Delon shares news from Douchy, with his father Alain Delon

By Claire Legrand | Editor

A journalist of Belarusian origin, Claire has worked at Purepeople since 2019. An unconditional fan of the Sex And The City series, she also knows most of the RnB sounds of the 90s and 2000s by heart. Blue flower and eternal romantic, she is interested in everything particularly to the love lives of stars.

Currently alongside his father Alain Delon in Douchy, Anthony Delon shared a new video on his Instagram account. One of the very important members of the Delon clan has undergone “forced surgery” and is recovering.

“After a surgical and forced break”: Anthony Delon announces good news from Douchy, to his father Alain Delon

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Happy to be back in Douchy with his father, Anthony Delon shared a photo of one of the family’s Malinois shepherds, Blew, in the estate located in the Loiret. The dog obviously needed surgery and seems to be recovering quietly with the Delon clan. “After a surgical and forced break, Blew returned to the green meadows of Douchyssoises. And his uncle“, wrote with tenderness the father of Alyson, Loup and Liv.

As a reminder, the dog is a friend of Loubo, the Malinois shepherd who was allegedly mistreated by Hiromi Rolin, former companion of Alain Delon against whom Anthony, Alain-Fabien and Anouchka filed a complaint.

The children of the Delon clan had indeed filed a complaint against Hiromi Rolin for “intentional violence against a vulnerable person”, “moral harassment”, “abuse of weakness”, “confinement of a vulnerable person” and “violence against an animal”, in this case Alain Delon’s dog Loubo. A complaint co-signed by their father. And it would be precisely an incident relating to the animal which would have precipitated everything, according to our colleagues at Paris Match. If the children began to suspect this woman of suspicious behavior towards their father, it was a call from the latter to Anthony Delon that would have changed everything.

Alain Delon would have called his eldest son in a complete panic to let him know that Hiromi Rolin would have had his Malinois locked up in a kennel in Montargis against his will.. “According to the owner of the Blason à Croix d’Argent breeding farm in Douchy, Loubo was entrusted to the Charton pension, located in Saint-Hilaire-les-Andresis. Contacted, the owner of the premises did not wish to confirm that the Malinois was indeed at her home or by whom he had been dropped off a few days earlier.“, revealed our colleagues.

Loubo and Blew, two full members of the Delon clan

Hiromi Rolin was also accused by Anthony Delon of an act of cruelty towards Loubo who was allegedly the victim of kicks and even taser shots. From now on, Alain Delon’s animals have happily found their masters and their peaceful living environment in the Douchy area.

In January 2024, the children of the Delon clan also received bad news. The complaints of the three children of Alain Delon and Hiromi Rollin dismissed. “The two complaints against Hiromi Rollin, in particular for violence against a vulnerable person and abuse of weakness against their father, were dismissed for insufficiently characterized offenses, announced the Montargis public prosecutor’s office. Hiromi Rollin’s complaint, filed against the Delon children for violence during her eviction from the actor’s property in Douchy (Loiret) on July 5, 2023, was also dismissed for the same reasons.“, according to a press release from the prosecution.



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