Season 2: Filming would begin in spring 2025! • Ahsoka News • Star Wars Universe

Season 2: Filming would begin in spring 2025! • Ahsoka News • Star Wars Universe
Season 2: Filming would begin in spring 2025! • Ahsoka News • Star Wars Universe
In the end, we completely changed the model for building a series, and that’s what’s sad.

We went from an era where we had to “feed” 22 episodes per season each year to seasons of 8 episodes which run every 2 years at best, 3 years at worst, and that saddens me.

So yes, for a Flash series which clearly sticks its tongue out to fill 22 episodes, how many excellent series like X-Files, Lost, Fringe, Buffy, even StarGate, series where, yes, everything was not perfect, obviously, but where we clearly had a blast watching them and which were, overall, better written, better interpreted, better produced?

I mean, I really liked the Ahsoka series, but I realize that narratively, it didn’t fly high anyway, it’s light years away from the series I mentioned above! So wait 3 years for the rest of such a season, that’s what. If ultimately the series were excellent, super well written, there was no filler, yes, okay, but here we end up with 2 hour films cut into a single season of 8 episodes, so the 2 hours are extended, stretched to fill the 8 episodes. And it shows. And you can feel it.

The excuse of late renewal is not everything. Neither is the screenwriters’ strike. Wanting to control everything, waiting, waiting and waiting for something more if the comments are negative, if no one gets offended, if people like it, if we have an idea for the future… it’s heavy. And everyone is moving towards this model. For series that must also cost a lot of money. It’s almost terrible.



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