The 25 Craziest Cameos in Superhero Movie History

The cameo in superhero films has become a tradition. Here are the 25 most incongruous, unexpected, discreet, cult and exciting cameos in our favorite superhero films.

25) Jarvis in Avengers: Endgame

Avengers: Endgame is the most ambitious MCU film since its launch in 2008. A sum film, where cameos abound, where the appearances are multiple. But perhaps one of the most unexpected cameos in the film concerns Jarvis. Indeed, Peggy Carter’s former butler makes an appearance in the film Russo brothers. The comedian James D’Arcy therefore takes over the role of Edwin Jarviswhich he held in the series Agent Carter.

24) Harry Dean Stanton in Avengers

In 2012, the immense actor Harry Dean Stanton makes a brief appearance in the first Avengers. The actor plays a police officer who chats with Bruce Banner shortly after his fall from the SHIELD helicarrier. A quick little appearance, but impressive when you know the career of Harry Dean Stanton. The latter, who died in 2017, starred in immense classics like Cold Hand Luke (1967), Alien (1979), New York 1997 (nineteen eighty one), Christina (1983), , Texas (1984), Sailor and Lula (1990) or even The green Line (1999).

23) Nathan Fillion in Guardians of the Galaxy


Before having a more concrete role in Guardians of the Galaxy 3the comedian Nathan Fillion already made a small appearance in the first film of the saga. We can indeed find him in the prison sequence since he overtakes one of the inmates who comes to bother Star Lord, before being corrected by Groot.

22) Miley Cyrus in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2


Let’s stay in the world of Guardians of the Galaxy since Miley Cyrus also has a vocal cameo in the second part of the license. It actually doubles Mainframe, one of the Ravagers of the team Sylvester Stallone. The latter could also have finished in this top.

21) Matt Damon in Deadpool 2

We don’t see it much, but Matt Damon is good in Deadpool 2. Totally unrecognizable, he plays one of the rednecks who is attacked by Cable when the latter arrives in our time.

20) David Hasselhoff in Guardians of the Galaxy 2

Clearly, there are cameos in the saga of Guardians of the Galaxy. In the second part, Ego, the living planet and incidentally father of Star Lord, transforms for a few short moments into David Hasselhoff. Indeed, Star Lord is a fan of the actor, and the villain takes the actor’s appearance to manipulate his son. For the record, this was not the first appearance of David Hasselhoff in a Marvel moviesince he has already embodied Nick Fury in Nick Fury: Agent of Shield in 1998.

19) The Supermen in the flash

Here we get a little into bad taste. Indeed, The Flash has the bad idea of ​​offering digital cameos from different Supermen. We thus find Christopher Reeves, Helen Slater and Nicolas Cage (and even Adam West) digitally recreated. Appearances which were clearly not unanimous and which shocked part of the public.

18) Martian Manhunter in zack snyder’s justice league

The famous Martian Manhunter was originally supposed to appear in the first version of Justice League. But the character was cut during editing. But when Zack Snyder was able to achieve his Zack Snyder’s Justice Leaguethe character reappeared to the delight of fans.

17) Flash and Batman in Suicide Squad

During two short appearances, fans of the DC universe will have been happy to see Flash and Batman. The first appears during a flashback told by Captain Boomerang. We can see the superhero arresting the villain while he was robbing a bank. As for Batman, he also appears for a flashback in which he stops Deadshot.

16) The X-Men in deadpool 2

It’s a very funny cameo. When Deadpool visits the Charles Xavier Institute to seek help, he arrives at a completely empty school. The character makes a joke regarding the lack of budget which explains the absence of other X-Men than Colossus. At the same time, several X-Men can be seen hiding from Deadpool behind a door. In particular, we can see James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, Nicholas Hoult as Fauve and Evan Peters as Quicksilver.

15) Matt Damon, Sam Neill, Luke Hemsworth, Melissa McCarthy in the bottom two thor

Taika Waititithe director of the last two Thor is known for being a joker. It is in this logic that he stages Matt Damon, Sam Neill, Luke Hemsworth and Melissa McCarthy to embody false Loki, Odin, Thor and Hela in Asgardian theater scenes. Clever and hilarious.

14) Brad pitt in deadpool 2

Today this cameo is very famous. But back then, when viewers discovered that Brad Pitt played the Phantom of the X-Force, it was very, very funny. For the record, Brad Pitt was paid a black coffee for his appearance in Deadpool 2. At the same time, David Leitchthe director, is his former stuntman and his friend.

13) Howard the duck in guardians of the galaxy

We see it more and more, but at the base Howard the Duck makes his first appearance in the MCU in the post-credits scene of Guardians of the Galaxy. Since then, we saw her again in the 2th opus, in Endgame and in What If…? season 2.

12) Lynda Carter in Wonder Woman 1984

She embodied Wonder Woman in the iconic series of 1976. It is therefore very pleasant to find Lynda Carter as an Amazon in the post-credits scene of Wonder Woman 1984.

11) Elon Musk in Iron Man 2

And yes, the boss of X And You’re here makes a very small appearance in Iron Man 2. The billionaire embodies his own role in a social evening where he crosses paths with Tony Stark.

10) Lou Ferrigno in Hulk

Lou Ferrigno was the first performer of Hulk in the 1977 television series The Incredible Hulk. In the Hulk of Ang Lee, viewers were treated to two cameos in one. Indeed, at the turn of a scene, when Bruce Banner goes to his lab, he crosses paths with Stan Lee and Lou Ferrignoin the shoes of a security agent.

9) Hawkeye in Thor

It’s in the first Thor, that Clint Barton makes his first appearance. He is commissioned by Agent Coulson to slow down Thor. Fans immediately recognized the famous archer.

8) The justice league in peacemaker

We didn’t see that one coming. James Gunn enjoys revealing the Justice League in the last episode of Peacemaker. If Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa are present to embody Flash and AquamanSuperman and Wonder Woman are just silhouettes in the background, because Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot did not play the game.

7) Donald Glover in Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse

When Milles Morales wanders through the prison of the Spider-Men fortress, he meets many iconic supervillains from the comics. And it is at the bend of a shot that the spectators cross paths with Donald Gloverin live-actionin the skin of Prowler.

6) David Dunn in Split

It was the huge surprise of Split. At the very end of the film, M.Night Shyamalan features the hero of Unbreakable. The opportunity for the director to create a superheroic universe connected with Unbreakable, Split And Glass.

5) The actors of Community in the MCU

Some of the MCU films were directed by the brothers Russo. The latter also worked on the cult series Community. It is therefore logical that some actors from the series appear in the MCU. We can therefore cross the path of Danny Pudi (Abed) in The Winter Soldier, Jim Rash (Dean Pelton) in Civil War, Yvette Nicole Brown (Shirley) in Captain Marvel, Ken Jeong (Chang) in Endgame and obviously Donald Glover (Troy) in a bigger role in Spider-Man: Homecoming.

4) Tony Stark in The Incredible Hulk

This was the MCU’s first real connection. A crazy revelation when Tony Stark arrives at the end of L‘Incredible Hulk to speak to General Ross. The MCU is officially launched.

3) Nick fury in Iron Man

This is the very first reference to a connected universe. Samuel L Jackson arrives in Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man to talk to Tony Stark aboutAvengers initiative. We are in 2008, and this simple reply announces immense things.

2) Wolverine in x-men: the beginning

Surely the cameo most cult of this list. How to forget the appearance of Hugh Jackman in the skin of Wolverine in X-Men: The Beginningand this line which alone earned the film a PG-13: “go fuck yourself”. Worship !

1) Stan Lee in teen titans go movie

How not to end this ranking with Stan Lee ? The master of the subject, who appeared in virtually every Marvel production until his death. But if we had to name just one, it is certainly his animated cameo among the competition. What a surprise to see Stan Lee pop in the film DC Teen Titans Go. Where how DC is self-deprecating!



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