Claudio Bravo offers to serve as Ter Stegen’s replacement

Claudio Bravo offers to serve as Ter Stegen’s replacement
Claudio Bravo offers to serve as Ter Stegen’s replacement

The injury of Marc-André Ter Stegen cuts him off from the possibility Barcelona of buscar a replacement, that was as a free agent, to be replaced. As it is stipulated by the bases of La Liga, that before a serious injury, the clubs can acquire a new football player. In this context we see the Chilean porter Claudio Bravowho is offered to replace his ex-companion if the conjunto culé lo requires.

Weigh that there are men with one of my announcements that I put on the gloves, Bravo signals that “If Barcelona interests me, it is prepared to dirty the retirement“, in conversation with the Winwin Arabic portal.

The ultimate party of Bravo as a professional football player the defeat of La Roja ante Argentina, in the group stage of the Copa América 2024, where the porter ended, it was elegido like the figure in the scene.

Ter Stegen y Bravo appeared in Barcelona between 2014 and 2016 where the Chilean stood with the Zamora prize as the best player in La Liga de España during the 2014-2015 season. This is another year, the ex captain of La Roja played his part in the league title that played for the Blaugrana, while the German played in the Champions League, and he played the title another year.



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