Hollande calls on Macron to decide so as not to “leave the country in suspense”

Hollande calls on Macron to decide so as not to “leave the country in suspense”

While the search for a prime minister seems insoluble, the former President of the Republic considered on Wednesday evening that the “hesitations” of his successor pose “a problem in the management of the country”.

Did François Hollande give Emmanuel Macron some advice during their meeting on Monday at the Élysée? If the former President of the Republic, guest on the show on Wednesday evening «Daily»did not elaborate on the content of these exchanges, he did not hold back from making a severe observation on the time taken by his successor to appoint a prime minister. Hoping to get out of this interminable political sequence as quickly as possible, the socialist urged Emmanuel Macron to make a choice for “not to leave the country in suspense”. But the task is not simple.

Faced with a National Assembly that is as fragmented as ever, the head of state is determined to solve a puzzle: send a personality to Matignon who would not be immediately censored by the opposition. A quest whose conclusion was once again postponed on Wednesday evening. While the government has been under a resignation regime for about fifty days, François Hollande considers his former advisor to “a problem: its relationship to decision-making.” “To govern is to appoint. It is the first act of the president,” thundered the man of the left, who recalled having respected the custom since his arrival in power, in 2012, with the appointment of Jean-Marc Ayrault as Prime Minister. Then, continued the PS deputy, “We must appoint members of the government, appoint entourages.” “This function of naming is essential.”

Also readMacron’s hesitations are causing tension in the political world

In a context where the saga for Matignon seems to be going round in circles, François Hollande deplored the “hesitations” of Emmanuel Macron who “at the beginning can be understood given the unprecedented nature of the parliamentary situation”but who, “at some point, pose a problem in the management of the country.” “There are still choices to be made, a budget that must be made,” hammered the successor of Nicolas Sarkozy, who fears the little music relativizing in the opinion of the absence of a lasting executive. A way of making himself the spokesperson for the exasperation of a good part of the political class: “At some point you have to say it: the duration is too long and you have to decide. Sometimes, deciding badly is better than not deciding.”

“Macron does not want to change policy”

Certainly, Emmanuel Macron does not have a clear majority with or against him at the Palais Bourbon. But, this would not be the only source of the blockage. According to the former head of the PS, the head of state is making a “method error” et “thinks that he will settle the question of governability himself, that is to say, whether the prime minister he will appoint will not be censored.” “It is up to the National Assembly to decide”he analyzed. Other “fundamental problem” highlighted by François Hollande: the president’s stubbornness “not to change policy. He is looking for a person, perhaps uncensorable, but who would have the same policy as him.”

Enough to lead the Corrèze resident to predict that the situation will drag on for a long time. “He does not want to give up his power or renounce the policies he has pursued. He does not want to coexist.”mocks the socialist, according to whom his successor “did not understand that the French wanted an alternation with other people.”


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