“The archipelago”, regional grand prize for the silver pyramids of the FPI

Quartus was doubly awarded during this ceremony organized on October 8 by the FPI region. In addition to the pyramid of money obtained for this program located in Vénissieux, the developer won the Laurent Bonnevay affordable housing prize with “Vues Ciel” in .

The Lyon region FPI organized its traditional “Silver Pyramids” ceremony on Tuesday October 8 at H7, in the Confluence district. This was the 21e edition of this ceremony, which constitutes a prerequisite for the “Golden Pyramids” competition, a national competition organized by the FPI during which all the winners of the “Silver Pyramids” from the different regions of the FPI can compete.

Two new prices

Luc Vergonjeanne, who is responsible for organizing this competition within the FPI Lyon region, first presented the new features, with the appearance of a new partner, Bien’ici, and two new prizes : the jury’s favorite prize and the Laurent Bonnevay affordable housing prize. “Moreover, in a current economic context which is very tense, we continue to highlight the operations of members,” underlined the manager.

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City politics: Valerie Létard wants to end house arrest

The minister in charge of urban policy is convinced “that we need an ambitious policy for neighborhoods”.

22nd edition of “Behind the scenes of the building”

Nearly 250 construction sites and workshops will be exceptionally open throughout on October 10 and 11.

“Fort Saint Laurent” offers a new point of view over Lyon

The 16th century building was transformed into a 4-star hotel following a major renovation project. However, the establishment wants to be open to the neighborhood.

CAPEB considers the dialogue with Valérie Létard constructive

The confederation of crafts and small construction companies indicated that the Minister of Housing had engaged in a constructive dialogue with its president.

CAPEB requests clarification from the minister

CAPEB asked Valérie Létard for details on the Prime Minister’s general policy declaration.

The Prime Minister’s announcements rather well received by the federations

Several representatives of federations, in the wake of his general policy declaration, reacted to Michel Barnier’s comments on housing.

Extension of the PTZ, evolution of the ZAN: Michel Barnier’s ideas on housing

nullThe Prime Minister delivered his general policy speech this Tuesday afternoon, in which he gave ideas on the measures envisaged in terms of housing.

MaPrimeRénov’: maintaining the rules requested by 29 organizations

They sent an open letter addressed to the Prime Minister, to request the extension of the adjustments which have applied since May 15, as well as the stabilization of the system.

Launch of the April Construction brand

This was announced by the April group, which intends to establish its status as an expert in construction insurance.

The Housing Alliance suggests 7 measures for the 2025 PLF

The Alliance, which brings together the FFB, USH, FNAIM, FPI, Pôle Habitat FFB, Procivis, UNIS, UNNE, UNSFA and UNTEC, organized a press point at the HLM congress on the crisis situation in terms of housing, pending the major decisions of the 2025 finance bill.

The FFB “applauds” the arrival of Valérie Létard

The French construction federation has welcomed the appointment of a full-time Minister of Housing. She also welcomed the appointment of several other ministers.

Renewal of the partnership between the FFB AURA and the academic region

nullThis was renewed during the WorldSkills international competition, on the stand of the French Construction Team.

Real estate: the future of the “mortgaged” production apparatus

nullThe Pôle Habitat FFB organized its national convention this Thursday. For him, there is now “urgency to cure the problem” in the next finance law.

The FFB pleads for a housing plan capable of supporting the sector

nullThe French construction federation organized its back-to-school press conference this Tuesday. She calls for a series of measures to support the sector, which is facing a serious crisis.

WorldSkills: The French construction team shone

The French construction team allowed France to be 3e world nation in the international competition of professions.



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