“I burned the car and I take responsibility”

“I burned the car and I take responsibility”
“I burned the car and I take responsibility”


Editorial Le Pays d’Auge

Published on

Oct. 15 2024 at 7:26 p.m

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Placed under reinforced guardianship upon reaching the age of majority, a 30-year-old father set fire to a car on September 24, 2024 in (). The prosecutor will speak of a case “complex by the seriousness of the facts and by the particular personality of the defendant”.

The man is a recidivist for having been sentenced on January 27, 2023, following a fire in Livarot on December 18, 2022. The facts for which he has to answer therefore took place during the trial period for this previous conviction. .

No doubt about the criminal trail

On September 24, 2024 at 10:40 p.m., a Peugeot 308 caught fire on rue Georges Bizet in the Hauteville district. The vehicle having a broken window and the four flat tires, the criminal trail is immediately favored.

Especially since a resident comes to the police and points out one of his neighbors known for his incivility. He had taken a photo of him shortly before when he saw him lurking next to the car.

The man then chased him to his building, where he was able to take refuge. The door being locked, the individual kicked it before leaving.

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“I preferred not to hit him, it would have been worse”

The police went to the 3rd floor where he lived with his wife and their 4-month-old child. Refusing to leave his apartment and making incoherent comments, he was arrested the next day at 9:10 a.m., placed in police custody and then remanded in custody on September 27.

“I burned the car and I take responsibility,” says the defendant from the defendant’s box. His lawyer will point out that he spontaneously confessed to being the author of several fires in the neighborhood.

The owner of the car having declared not to know the accused, the president asked the latter if there was a dispute between them.

“He was insulting to my partner, he lacked respect for her. As I passed in front of his car… I preferred not to hit him, it would have been worse. »

Not presenting any alienating psychiatric pathology, according to the expert who examined him, the man is declared eligible for criminal sanction.

“Great suffering”

After the representative of the public prosecutor requested 12 months in prison, 10 of which with reinforced probationary suspension for 2 years, Me Jego, defense lawyer, considers that prison is not the ideal environment to begin the desired treatment process. by his client, “a man whose great suffering no one can dispute”.

Continued detention

The court sentenced the 30-year-old to 18 months in prison, 12 of which were suspended for 2 years with continued detention, and ordered the partial revocation of his suspended probation for 3 months with immediate incarceration.

He will have to undergo addiction and medical-psychological treatment. He is prohibited from possessing a weapon for 5 years. He will have to pay a fine of €150 for the damage to the building door and the sum of €689 to the social landlord.

The case is postponed on civil interest until May 16, 2025 to quantify the damage suffered by the owner of the 308. In the meantime, the defendant will have to pay him the sum of €1,000 for his moral damage and €800 for his costs. ‘lawyer.

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