2 drivers to find for this region

2 drivers to find for this region
2 drivers to find for this Calvados region


Isabelle Innocenti

Published on

15 oct. 2024 à 6h46

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Solidarité transport relies on a network of volunteers which travels according to the request of individuals who may have needs for medical visits, shopping, visiting friends, etc. The list is not exhaustive.

In Souleuvre-en-Bocage, it works well and provides a service to 23 beneficiaries (non-taxable) thanks to the involvement of 7 drivers. “Last year, a hundred trips have been carried out, people mainly go to Vire, but also to Saint-Lô, Bayeux, Villers-Bocage. These are one-off and not regular transports,” explained Jean-Marc Cambier, the network representative.

The coming year is likely to be more complicated since 2 chauffeurs expressed their wish to stop. The manager was therefore able to inform elected officials of this need and answer their questions.

For all information on the service: 07 68 65 74 60

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