Hugues Aufray discusses his “unoriginal” honeymoon with his young wife Murielle, a destination chosen for specific reasons


After their wedding celebrated a year ago, Hugues Aufray and his partner Murielle were finally able to enjoy a honeymoon. The couple chose a peaceful and romantic destination, ideal for recharging their batteries before going back to school.

On September 2, 2023, Hugues Aufray and Murielle sealed their love with marriage in Marly-le-Roi, in the Yvelines. Since then, they had planned to go on a honeymoon, but for professional reasons, they were forced to postpone their trip. Finally, at the end of August, the couple had the opportunity to realize this dream that lived up to their expectations, choosing a destination that was both romantic and relaxing: Corsica.

A short honeymoon

In an exclusive interview with Gala.frHugues Aufray revealed the reasons for their choiceHe confides: “It’s not very original, but the trip is short and there is no language problem”. He adds that he wanted “keep the exact location secret” to preserve their peace. The interpreter of ““Santiago” indicates that he already knew the island well and was certain of finding the serenity he was looking for there. The stay in Corsica was described by Hugues as ““very short, but of great quality”. The singer shared some funny anecdotes about their time spent on the island.”I do the Crocodile, that is to say I go to the edge of the beach and lie down facing the sun. Even though she is braver than me, she doesn’t like swimming much either, because she learned late. So, in general, we go to a place where there is not much depth. When there is…

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“She opposes it”: Hugues Aufray talks about his young wife who is categorical about a very specific practice
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