Study reveals number of French women who smoked during pregnancy


Although smoking is not recommended during pregnancy, a report from Public Health France shows that French women have tough habits.

More than 10% of women smoked throughout their pregnancy, a proportion that has been stable for several years, and around 7%, fewer than before, consumed alcohol, according to a study published Monday by Santé publique France. It is recommended in France not to consume alcohol and not to smoke during pregnancy, to avoid serious potential consequences on the health of the mother and that of the unborn child.

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13% of mothers smoked during pregnancy

Of all mothers of children aged 5 or under in 2021, “13% of them report having smoked throughout their pregnancy,” estimates the study, which is based on data from the 2021 Public Health France Barometer.

Nearly a quarter of mothers of children aged 5 or under in 2021 were already smoking when they found out they were pregnant. Among them, 45% said they had quit as soon as they found out they were pregnant or during their pregnancy, 51% had reduced the amount they smoked without quitting and 4% had neither quit nor reduced their consumption. These proportions have not changed significantly compared to the 2017 estimates, the latest ones, the public agency observed.

Less alcohol during pregnancy

For alcohol consumption during pregnancy, on the other hand, there appeared to be “a downward trend compared to the situation in 2017”, according to…

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