Michel-Édouard Leclerc talks about the foods he doesn’t buy in supermarkets


Asked by Le Parisien about his eating habits, Michel-Édouard Leclerc gave his vision of healthy eating.

Can we still eat well today with the soaring prices of food? This is the topical question that the son of Édouard Leclerc, the founder of the brand that bears his name, answered. He also let loose with a few personal confidences.

On Michel-Édouard Leclerc’s plate

Just because you are the spokesperson and chairman of the strategic committee of a supermarket doesn’t mean you have to do all your shopping there without looking at the labels. At least that’s what Michel-Édouard Leclerc revealed to us in his interview with Le Parisien. He explains that he is not a fan of ready meals and processed foods, and advocates home-made. “My mother taught me everything, including how to make beurre blanc,” he explains proudly. Michel-Édouard Leclerc also admits that he is not an “eater” and takes care of his health through his diet. To do this, he explains that he eats very little at lunchtime, but needs his “dose of protein, fruit and cereals” in the morning. His diet also consists of a lot of marinated salmon and eggs that he buys down the street from his house… at Carrefour City. Funny! “I like what’s good! I believe in organic or sustainable agriculture,” he sums up. Concerning his favorite dish, his answer is not long in coming: “I am a sailor,…

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Also read:

“I stopped all that”: Michel Cymes reveals the foods he banned from his diet!


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