Open letter to the honorable deputy Aïssata Tall Sall:
Silence, it is said, can be golden, but in some cases it becomes guilty. Yours has become a burden, a betrayal for a people who gave you so much. This silence, instead of denouncing injustice, resonates today as a cry of indifference and alignment with a regime whose drifts have bruised families and fractured our national cohesion.
I am addressing you as the son of Podor, founding president of the National Are-Futa Movement, a voice carried by the love of Fouta and the will to defend the values of unity, justice and development that always have characterized our region. This cry of the heart is not a judgment, but an arrest, accompanied by an invitation to action.
Your guilty silence in the face of the excesses of the Macky Sall regime
As Minister of Justice, you could have embodied the rampart against injustices and authoritarian drifts. You could have used your position to defend the rights of our compatriots, to be the echo of the voice and the oppressed. But what do we see?
Neither Podor, nor Fouta, nor Senegal saw the birth of structuring investments or projects carrying the future under your influence. However, you had an extensive portfolio, solid international relations, but nothing has been put at the service of our region, its young people, its women, its peasants.
Worse, your silence in the face of economic crimes and blood crimes perpetrated by this regime makes you an accomplice of a system that oppresses, divides and destroyed. Where were you when families were crying for their children, victims of a diet that stops at nothing to maintain their privileges? Where was your voice when flagrant injustices tore our social fabric?
Ethnicization and regionalization: sterile and dangerous strategies
Madam, the fouta people will not be manipulated by calls for ethnic or regional fiber. The Fouta is not limited to an electoral card or a pool of voice to be instrumentalized for personal ambitions. You have tried to divert the attention of your failures by playing on artificial divisions, but these people, proud and worthy, aspires to concrete responses: infrastructure, schools, hospitals, economic opportunities.
Your alignment with this diet has removed you from realities on the ground. Le Fouta, like Podor, claims a policy of unity, not of division. The development of our region should not be sacrificed on the altar of political maneuvers or selfish calculations.
An invite of the Are-Futa movement to the responsible action
Honorable Aïssata Tall Sall, beyond this arrest, we, members of the national area are-futa, you launch a clear and solemn prompt: finally serve the best interest of Podor and Fouta by defending the National Assembly of projects in the National Assembly concrete, realistic and structuring development for our region.
-You are today in a strategic position to make Podor and Fouta’s voice heard. Use this forum to mobilize partnerships, attract investments and defend projects that will advance our region:
Modern infrastructure to open up Podor and Fouta.
A strengthened education and health system to meet the needs of our populations.
Economic support programs for our young people, our women and our farmers.
Madam, it is no longer a question of speech, but of concrete actions. Fouta needs results, and you are able to act. The Are-Fouta movement calls you to take responsibility, put your skills and relationships at the service of this people who expect a real contribution to their development.
A solemn call to your historical responsibility
Aïssata Tall Sall, the fouta people gave you everything. He brought you, he supported you, but in return, what did you offer? Nothing, if not unwarmed promises and acts that only took advantage of a handful of relatives. The stinging defeat you have suffered during the last elections in Podor is a clear signal: the people keep you responsible.
There is still time to correct the shot. There is still time to choose the camp of unity and justice, that of the people. We, sons and daughters of Podor, members of the Are-Futa movement, are questioning you to abandon the sterile partisan struggles and put your experience and your relationships at the service of a real development project for our region and for Senegal.
May Podor be an example of justice, solidarity and national unity.
May Fouta be an inclusion and prosperity model.
The time of impunity and indifference is coming to an end. History will remember your name, not for your titles or your speeches, but for what you have accomplished or failed to accomplish for the people who have believed in you.
Madam, Fouta and Senegal deserve better. Answer this call. The time is for action.
A Podor son,
Sheikh Ahmed Tidiane Ly
Founding president of the National Are-Futa Movement.