The UD CGT is mobilizing for the national day of action for industry and employment.
Trade unionism is part of France's living heritage. A social fact that has become almost universal, it knows its ups and downs. In the 19th century the struggle continued, but the fragmentation of the unions constituted a real obstacle to the social movement. So, we have to restart the machine and find fights for the future.
Marie Dufresne, newly elected head of the Gard departmental union, talks about the latest news from her union. “ It is a national day of action for the chemical sector on the industry and employment emergency. We targeted the Solvay factory in Salindres at the end of last year to highlight the industrial breakdown that is currently taking place in our country. »
Bruno Rivier's replacement at the head of the CGT du Gard recalls that her union and Générations Futures are close in certain fights. “ A map of France lists all the sites threatened by closures or job cuts. This card continues to grow… Industry must serve people and not capital. In Gard, employees of Solvay and Royal Canin are in danger. We must act for an industrial reconquest! This is at the heart of the public debate and we have nothing to do with it. We would like to convert the activity of the Solvay company to clean up the site. The readings are frightening, we are talking about European records along the Gardon in particular, as far as the Rhône but the worst was in the Alesian basin. »
Is the environment polluted? Is health in danger? According to these studies, the soils are saturated and the Gardois continue to live peacefully. They drink water from their spring or well, bathe in the river, eat the products of the agricultural land…
-Public aid comes from taxpayers' money. The former tax agent that she was knows this and Marie Dufresne does not forget it. “ I like it when people say it, this money belongs to all of us, even to those who don't pay taxes… They pay VAT! For companies, it is the polluter pays principle that must be applied! The company must be forced to clean up pollution in order to maintain employment by training factory employees who could retrain to clean up the site. »
Has French know-how disappeared? For Lionel Clément: “ These closing companies have received subsidies for years! There is a problem with the environment and the monopolization of resources… It is difficult to have a real picture of the state of the Solvay site, for example. The idea is to come together during these days to talk about these issues, they concern us all, the environment and indirect jobs! The thinking must be global, we must pool things! We have been able to manage chemical activity since the 19th century, why not continue differently, we must have new outlets. No plaster on a wooden leg… »
« The government does not take its responsibilities! Macron and his team are doing the opposite of what he says. We are living in an industrial desert, we will have 300,000 employees on the job… The CGT knows that we are giving billions to companies that must create jobs but there is no compensation! Why do we help? All this money goes into dividends after closures or layoffs… The State must take its responsibilities, the State must participate in the Board of Directors of these companies. We can even go for nationalization for strategic companies », note Lyazid Ait Ammar.
A public meeting in March will discuss the theme of industry and public services.