Mountain areas are increasingly weakened by global warming and their limits have often already been reached. It is time to take the necessary steps to secure their future.
Maintaining agricultural areas is both an economic issue, with high value-added milk sectors (several AOP*) and for the preservation of landscapes. It is also an essential element for better future food resilience, which will undoubtedly be made necessary by climatic or geopolitical developments.
82% of housing in the municipality is currently second homes. However, 11 ha out of the 13 ha of natural spaces that Megève wants to open to urbanization would still be reserved mainly for second homes. On the contrary, we must develop social and permanent housing and stop the construction of chalets without life most of the year.
Wetlands are known to exist in the territory of Megève, but are not listed, leading for example to a project to move an EHPAD to a plot of land that is actually wet. It's no longer a secret, we absolutely must protect wetlands, which are essential to preserving the climate and life.
-*PDO: protected designation of origin (tomme, reblochon, emmental, chevrotin)
See the full opinion delivered by FNE Haute-Savoie as part of the public inquiry into the Revision of the Local Urban Plan (PLU) over the entire territory of the Municipality of Megève