The Market Regulation Agency (ARM) announced the suspension of onion imports from Saturday January 25, 2025. This decision was taken during a meeting held on Monday January 20 by the steering committee in charge of the regulation of onion imports and agricultural markets.
Favorable forecasts for national production
According to the ARM press release, this measure is based on data collected from technical services and producer associations. The first national onion harvests are expected from February 2025, which will help meet local demand.
A previous administrative circular, dated September 23, 2024, had set the end of onion imports for December 31, 2024. However, to better manage supplies during important religious celebrations, such as the Call of the Layènes, Kazu Rajab and the Magal of Porokhane, the suspension of imports was postponed until January 25.
Objective: support national production
This initiative aims to protect local producers and guarantee balance in the market, avoiding excessive competition with imports. The ARM recalls the importance of this regulation to ensure price stability and promote the flow of national production on the domestic market.