The artist’s exhibition is on view until January 31. Through paintings and mixed compositions, he shares his views on some of the ills of contemporary society.
Burnt out cars are embedded in the work, like an extension of the painted canvas. Suburbsby Rouby, bears witness to the events which shook the Paris suburbs during the year 2005. Compositions like these, the exhibition proposed at the Center Pagaret, by Rémire-Montjoly brings together several, a mixture of painting, drawing and collage.
Rouby has been living in Guyana for 12 years. Arriving after a stay in Polynesia, the physical education teacher retired two years ago. This exhibition is the first that he presents. It must be said that for years he did not paint. During a visit to France, he recovered his old paintings which plunged him back into a creative dynamic.
He exhibits his latest works here, along with some older creations. What do most of them have in common? A highlighting of certain issues that challenge: the place of appearance, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the absurdity of a world that turns a blind eye to the misery of others… Subjects that he draws from the news around him.
-“It’s not a neutral look, recognizes Rouby. Obviously, I transcribe things through my filter and I ask questions.” Beyond the aesthetics of the works, this questioning is interesting. It pushes the public to question their own representations or even their actions… or their non-actions. “This is not a pessimistic outlook. It is a duty to remember, an awareness to move towards change and remain positive. If there is a reflection behind it, it is progress in thought. »