The two Reunion MPs Jean-Hugues Ratenon and Frédéric Maillot sent a letter to the Minister of Justice and the Interior. They are demanding an increase in numbers on the island and an end to transfers of Mahorais detainees to Reunion.
Mail :
Reunion Island has been experiencing urban violence for several years and the situation is getting worse and worse, despite warnings from the population. Day and night, in certain neighborhoods, rival gangs sometimes clash with knives and firearms; firefighters and law enforcement officers are regularly stoned, very young minors even ambush them; residents are attacked, vehicles are damaged; doctors and nurses no longer want to come to their homes after a certain time; In short, the climate is very tense.
The climate of anxiety is at a very high level, particularly in our constituencies. There is today among the population a feeling of impunity for these troublemakers, of an uncontrolled situation and of a lack of strong State action and long-term presence, despite their rapid intervention. These increasingly serious incidents led the Mayor of Saint-André, Mr. Joé BÉDIER, to reinstate a new curfew for minors under the age of 16 on January 19 for one month. Indeed, in the majority of cases, minors who are mostly isolated, without family, group together in gangs that encourage acts of violence and drug trafficking. These facts only fuel the feeling of distrust towards certain ethnic groups. It is therefore urgent to act in order to regain control of the multiplication of these events so as not to lead to abuses which would taint our living together. The calm and serenity of our population depends on it.
Rumors of the organization of militias are circulating and we fear that other tragedies will occur as the exasperation of the population is so strong. Security falls under the sovereign power of the State and the population's feeling of abandonment is very palpable. This is why we believe that the State must act and quickly. Certainly, there are some operations carried out as “clearance” but they are only very, too temporary and unsuitable in their current form. Without being catastrophic, Reunion Island could slip into an uncontrollable situation at any time. However, avenues for work exist. We need to debate this as quickly as possible.
These tracks are:
– An increase in staff throughout Reunion.
Specifically, there would need to be significant reinforcement from the departmental day and night intervention company in order to have a constant presence in the town of Saint-André.
Developing the departmental intervention company would also make it possible to bring in police officers from our island who have been waiting a very (too) long time for a transfer.
Increase this CDI workforce and have a section continuously on Saint-André, as is the case on St Pierre.
Put an end to transfers of detainees from Mayotte to Reunion Island…to name just a few.