In -Atlantique, the alternatives to the car still too insufficient to “rethink mobility”

In -Atlantique, the alternatives to the car still too insufficient to “rethink mobility”
In Loire-Atlantique, the alternatives to the car still too insufficient to “rethink mobility”

Despite the headlight calls of communities, the soleil car continues to be acclaimed for everyday trips, notes UFC-Que Choisir, while alternative offers are still too dispersed in the department. Or unknown.

Red card for public transport in -Atlantique. Despite the injunctions of the public authorities to reduce the share of the individual car in everyday trips, the supply of alternative mobility continues to suffer from a lack of attractiveness on the scale of the department, alert the and Nazairian branches UFC-Que Choose. According to an inventory of mobility published in December, the consumer defense association notes that, in 71% of the municipalities of Loire-Atlantique, more than half of households have no access to public transport (bus, Train, boat) within a 10 -minute walk for home.

Almost 18.7% of the residents of the department would be in a white mobility area, a share greater than the national average (17.4%). According to the data studied by UFC-Que Choisir, 62% of the inhabitants would also live more than 10 minutes by bike from a station, for lack of a sufficiently developed rail network. A situation which hardly allows the populations concerned – in particular in rural and peri -urban areas – to rethink their mobility. This objective thus remains confined to being only “Vow Piles”, Unless you rethink in depth the transport policy in Loire-Atlantique, indicates the association. And in the meantime, the share of home-work trips made by public transport caps around 12% of journeys.

Improve the offer … and make it known

“If the Loire-Atlantique is far from being the least well-off territory, the granularity of bus stations remains unfavorable to an immediate improvement in inequalities in access to public transport”observes Hervé Le Borgne, president of the Nantes office of UFC-Que Choisir, who hopes to attract the attention of public authorities to the gap which separates the desirable from the possible, in terms of mobility policy. “The populations feel far from public transport, which leads them to systematically use their car. Improving access to attractive offers is a gentle way to bring behavioral changes. ”

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Investments “ambitious”an overhaul of the financing of the organizing authorities of local mobility as well as a revision of the regional planning rules to better include transport in town planning decisions appear on the menu of requests made by UFC-Que Choosing, in its exchanges with the state and local authorities.

Malgré ce constat peu amène de la situation des transports en Loire-Atlantique, l'association de défense des consommateurs s'est néanmoins réjouie de quelques initiatives allant dans le bon sens. Il en va ainsi du succès du tram-train de Nantes, entré en service en 2011, ainsi que du développement plus récent de l'offre de transport à la demande, géré par des véhicules du réseau Aléop, de la région . D'abord expérimenté autour de Châteaubriant, le service a été généralisé en 2024 à l'ensemble de la Loire-Atlantique, hors des agglomérations de Nantes et de Saint-Nazaire. Mais demeure très méconnu.



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