The drama unfolded at his workplace. A municipal employee of the City of Drancy (Seine-Saint-Denis), aged 52, was found dead this Sunday in his workshop at the intercommunal technical center. Friday around 4 p.m., he greeted his colleagues in the Logistics and Parties department, who were leaving for the weekend.
A few minutes later, he turned around and badged to return to the workshop, where he was discovered hanged on Sunday around 2 p.m. The mayor's chief of staff (UDI) Aude Lagarde, the 1st deputy Anthony Mangin (who is currently acting to replace the latter for health reasons) and the director of human resources went to the site immediately. An autopsy was requested. According to the City, a note, which read “Thank you for everything,” was found near the body.
The mayor's office indicates that it immediately launched an administrative investigation and assigned a psychologist to the agents. All of the deceased's colleagues were put to rest this Monday. “There is great emotion among the agents,” we told the City.
The employee was arrested several weeks this fall, and hospitalized, after the fire that occurred in his apartment on the night of September 9 to 10 in Drancy. “This is a person who was in great social precariousness and in a state of psychological distress,” indicates the mayor's office, which specifies that the staff social worker had received him after his arrest. “She had obtained a medical examination for him at the occupational health office, which declared him fit to resume,” continues the City. After the fire in his home, the town hall had “made available to him a municipal apartment at low rent, and granted several social benefits. »
-Reached by telephone, a former colleague said he had encountered the agent in recent weeks. “He wasn't doing well at all, he seemed very fragile,” he notes. In a press release, the CGT of Drancy Territorials demanded the holding of this internal investigation. “We experience it very badly because we are engaged daily in the defense of the agents,” confides Henri Tamar, co-secretary of the CGT of the Drancy territorials, who “has several times warned of the psychosocial risks” within the town hall.
“To kill oneself in the workplace raises a certain number of questions about one's psychological state in the preceding days and weeks,” indicates MP (LFI) Aly Diouara, who will go this Tuesday morning to meet colleagues. of the agent. “It’s never a coincidence,” also observes Hacène Chibane, opposition elected official (EELV) in Drancy, who also hopes that an internal investigation will clarify the circumstances of the tragedy: “Did he have say things to colleagues? Were any elements reassembled? » he asks.