???????? -Atlantique. A mother-in-law sentenced to twelve years in prison after scalding her 6-year-old daughter-in-law, a torturer

???????? -Atlantique. A mother-in-law sentenced to twelve years in prison after scalding her 6-year-old daughter-in-law, a torturer
???????? Loire-Atlantique. A mother-in-law sentenced to twelve years in prison after scalding her 6-year-old daughter-in-law, a torturer

In Missillac, in -Atlantique, a mother-in-law was sentenced to twelve years in prison for torturing her 6-year-old stepdaughter. The child's father was also imprisoned for failure to assist a person in danger.

A little girl scalded in a bathtub

On April 7, 2021, Tiffany B., a 30-year-old mother-in-law, held her partner's little daughter in a bathtub at 59°C for ten seconds, causing serious burns. The child, unable to walk for nine days, was hospitalized for skin lesions. The Loire-Atlantique Assize Court sentenced the stepmother for “acts of torture and barbarism”, while the father received five years in prison for “failure to assist a person in danger” and “deprivation of care “.

Isolation and daily abuse

The girl was frequently isolated and abused. Described as a “liar” and “thief” by her mother-in-law, she was hungry, rummaged through trash, and was not invited to family meals. Locked up for hours and systematically punished, she lived in terror, including of stairs and water. The father, influenced by his partner, participated in this system of abuse.

A revealing investigation

The investigation shed light on the abuse inflicted on the child, described as “pain-killing” by the attorney general. The father, judged for his inaction, had been manipulated by Tiffany B., who convinced him that his daughter's injuries were due to sunburn. The attorney general denounced a “shared ritual” of abuse between the two adults.

Exemplary sentences

The mother-in-law, initially released in 2023 after two years of pre-trial detention, was finally sentenced to twelve years of criminal imprisonment. The father, for his part, received a five-year sentence, with a warrant of committal. The abuse suffered by the little girl caused shock waves, reminding us of the importance of vigilance in the face of domestic violence.


Source: Le Parisien

(Thank you Yann Bourguignon)

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