In this context, Ismaël Dupond, departmental secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), supports the rebellious MP. “The misused and manipulative use of the test of intent in anti-Semitism weakens the real fight against anti-Semitism and all forms of racism in general which is more necessary than ever. (…) Democracy is the possibility of expressing a diversity of points of view on international politics (…). Pierre-Yves Cadalen was right to file a complaint for defamation in the name of the Communist Party and in my personal name, I assure him publicly, and I assured him personally this morning (Saturday January 18, Editor's note), of my full support in this approach.
Pauline Louis-Joseph-Dogué: “Unworthy and violent attacks”
Departmental councilor Pauline Louis-Joseph-Dogué (ecologist elected in the Brest 2 canton) denounces, for her part, “unworthy and violent personal attacks. They have no basis and undermine both the honor of the person and the quality of public debate, by contributing to fracturing society, flattering the worst instincts, and stirring up fears and hatred. “.