Dakar, January 17 (APS) – The Intersyndicale of Senegalese Administration Agents (I2AS), was brought to the baptismal font this Friday, in Dakar, to, according to its members, promote the advent of a public service of quality, noted the APS.
It was launched by trade union organizations in the justice (SYTJUST, UNTJ), health and social (Sdt-3S), trade administration (SYNACOM) and primary sector (SYNTTAS, SYTRAPAS, SNTE) sectors. , SATES).
”In this context of acute precariousness, exacerbated by the high cost of basic necessities, our trade union organizations, in a united dynamic for better support of our demands, have decided, through a charter, to create a unitary framework consultation and action,” declared Omar Dramé, general secretary of the Senegal Fishing and Aquaculture Workers’ Union (SYTRAPAS).
He was speaking at the press conference to launch this inter-union, at the headquarters of the National Confederation of Workers of Senegal-Keur Madia (CNTS).
According to its founders, I2AS aims to promote collaboration between its members by mobilizing all energies for effective management of the problems noted in their respective sectors of activity.
-”The I2AS is a framework for consultation and unity of actions for the promotion and defense of the material and moral interests of workers, respect for their rights and the improvement of the working conditions of their members made up of civil servants , decision-makers and contract workers,” they said.
Among the points included in the list of grievances of this inter-union group are, in particular, career management, unfair salary treatment, the generalization of housing allowance, the harmonization of the retirement age at 65 years old. , the revision or recasting of legislative and regulatory texts of the administration, the question of contractual workers.
In the long term, I2AS intends to bring together all the central administration unions for the advent of a quality public service, according to its founders.