The defense called for a community sentence for the man in his forties found guilty of touching and sexually assaulting a child under 16 years old. He finally walked free into the courthouse Friday morning, then was put in handcuffs later.
The individual has filed a request to appeal the guilty verdict which is pending.
The man was found guilty of actions committed in 2018, against a teenage girl who was then aged 11 and 12. The identity of the accused is protected to safeguard that of the victim.
In the basement
The victim said he abused her three times while he was tucking her into bed in the basement of the house. He was found guilty of fondling her, over and under her clothes, in addition to hitting her with his hips on the lower back during the third offense.
Judge Pierre-L. Rousseau has not failed to repeatedly emphasize what he describes as the absence of accountability on the part of the accused. He also cited extracts from the statement made to police officers, including a quote where the accused pleaded an exaggeration.
“She’s my little dramatist.”
— Statement of the accused to the police, according to the judge
The judge also recalled his lack of remorse.
“The accused did not even begin to reflect on his behavior,” said Judge Rousseau.
-The victim, for his part, suffered significant consequences, such as migraines, anxiety, discomfort with physical contact. She had to miss school and consult a psychologist.
“Let’s remember, she considered him as if he were her real father.”
— Judge Pierre-L. Rousseau
The gestures also had a big impact on the teenager’s mother.
“She herself feels guilty for not having been able to protect her daughter from the actions of the accused,” recalled the judge.
The judge recalled that all forms of sexual assault against children are serious offenses and that there is “no hierarchy of sexual acts”, according to the Supreme Court.
He stressed that the law is increasingly severe in cases of touching and aggression against children. The minimum sentence for sexual assault is now twelve months, and the maximum sentence is 14 years.
After his release from prison, the accused must submit to 24 months’ probation, be registered on the sex offender registry and not be in the presence of a minor unless an adult aware of this judgment is also present.