This is a new seizure of a very large amount of cocaine which has just been carried out in the Antilles.
A week ago, Friday January 10, the Antilles-Guyane patrol vessel (PAG) La Confiancecarried out the interception on the high seas of a commercial ship, 700 nautical miles (approximately 1,300 kilometers) off the coast of Martinique.
Coming to raise the Overseas Support and Assistance Building (BSAOM) Dumont d’Urvillethe La Confiance visiting team noted the presence of suspicious cargo when they came on board. Subsequently, a search of the ship led to the discovery of 250 bundles, one of which was tested and reacted positively to the detection of cocaine.
All of the seized merchandise and the people arrested were brought back to Fort-de-France on instructions from the Specialized Interregional Jurisdiction (JIRS) of Fort-de-France. In total, the bales seized represent a weight of more than 9 tonnes.
“This operation, led by the admiral commanding the Antilles maritime zone, under the direction of the prefect of Martinique, Government delegate for State action at sea, is the result of close joint-army, inter-service and international”, welcome the Armed Forces in the Antilles, in a press release.
It was notably carried out in coordination with the Armed Forces in Guyana and the Maritime Analysis and Operations Center – Narcotics (MAOC-N), a European center for multilateral cooperation for the fight against illicit drug trafficking based in Lisbon.
-The judicial investigation was led by the prosecutor's office of the specialized interregional jurisdiction (JIRS) of Fort-de-France and the investigations were entrusted to the Caribbean branch of the Anti-Narcotics Office (OFAST).
A record year 2024 in the West Indies with more than 28 tonnes of cocaine seized
A judicial investigation was opened into charges of offenses against drug legislation involving an organized gang and participation in a criminal association.
Four people – three of Colombian nationality and one of Spanish nationality – were presented to an investigating judge from the JIRS in Fort-de-France.
This is the first seizure of narcotics by the Armed Forces in the Antilles (FAA) in 2025 after a record year in 2024 which saw the seizure of more than 28 tonnes of narcotics in the Antilles zone.
This type of operation, carried out regularly by the FAA, contributes to regional stability and the protection of populations,” indicate the FAA.