You had to dare to give this first name to a baby… Parents from the North did it (and the civil registry validated it)!

You had to dare to give this first name to a baby… Parents from the North did it (and the civil registry validated it)!
You had to dare to give this first name to a baby… Parents from the North did it (and the civil registry validated it)!

After the eccentric first names given to , the compounds of which appeal to us, now comes the list published by the town hall of . 2,954 little Roubaisians were born in the city in 2024 and 1,545 different first names were assigned. Among the boys, it was Adam who gave the most with 21 births last year, relegating the favorite for 2023 to fifth place in the ranking (15 births). On the girls' side, it is the first name Alba which wins equally with Inaya (15 attributions each). Nour (14) and Suzanne (12) complete the podium, as do Isaac (20 births) and Imran (17), for boys according to the report from La Voix du .

Eccentric first names given to Roubaix in 2024

These first names can be considered to be rather common, because they are popular. Some parents preferred to focus on originality and name their child in a rather unique way. Thus, the civil registry officers of Roubaix recorded first names such as Christ, Élysée, Jolie, Automne, Castille and even Cézanne. If this last first name is a reference or a tribute to an illustrious painter, the first name which follows also recalls a well-known person…

Parents named their baby after a major drug dealer

In 2024, the city of Roubaix saw the birth of a small… Escobar, yes, like the name of the man the world has nicknamed the “King of Cocaine”, Pablo Escobar, at the head of the Medellín cartel in Colombia . He also left a tragic mark by sowing violence in the country… A surprising choice, given the character's rather controversial destiny!


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