As part of the reform of the public employment service, there are now plans for general registration of unemployed people on the lists of job seekers of the France Travail operator. How will this new registration be carried out? Who is affected? What are the implications? Explanations.
Several recent regulatory texts, applicable since January 1, 2025, detail the new system provided for in the “full employment” law which fundamentally reforms the public employment service. First new feature: the generalized and automatic registration of people looking for work on the lists of job seekers.
In other words, all people looking for work, including those facing social and professional integration difficulties, will now be registered with the France Travail operator (formerly Pôle emploi).
Once this registration is effective, job seekers are directed to a reference organization according to criteria defined by the National Employment Committee, then sign an employment contract, which they must respect under penalty of sanctions.
Before discussing, in future articles, the different stages of the support process (orientation, socio-professional diagnosis, employment contract with 15 hours of activity per week, and sanctions in the event of non-compliance), Let's take a closer look at the first step: widespread registration.
-1. Who is affected?
RSA beneficiaries and applicants
Among the people who must now be registered on the France Travail lists are beneficiaries of active solidarity income (RSA) or those who request it, as well as their partner, spouse or civil solidarity pact partner (Pacs). ).
Young people followed by local missions
Also affected by this registration are young people aged 16 to 25 looking for a job and requesting support from a local mission, and who are, for example, on a youth employment contract (CEJ) or on a contractual support path towards employment and autonomy (Pacea).
People with disabilities
People requesting support from Cap emploi are also automatically included on the lists.