On January 9, three previously distinct Moroccan parties – the Popular Movement (MP), the Moroccan Liberal Party (PML) and the National Democratic Party (PND) – surprised the national political scene by announcing the creation of a new alliance : the Popular Bloc. This initiative, according to its initiators, aims to break with immobility and breathe new life into a political arena considered stagnant, indicates the magazine Young Africa. «Faced with the inability of institutions to support citizens and offer concrete solutions, it is urgent to act», They declare in a political platform co-signed in Rabat by the leaders of the three parties: Mohamed Ouzzine (MP), Isaac Charia (PML) and Khalid Bakkali (PND).
The Popular Bloc severely criticizes a political scene “weakened and corrupted by sterile power struggles», while Morocco is going through rapid economic and social changes. The new allies denounce a system where partisan quarrels and rivalries take precedence over ideas, creating “a dangerous void”, we read. In response, the bloc aspires to embody a unifying societal project, pleading for “a Morocco united in its diversity».
On the institutional level, the MP, pillar of the alliance and second parliamentary opposition force (28 seats), represents a solid base thanks to its historical anchoring since 1958. Alongside it, the PML, founded in 2002 by Mohamed Ziane , and the PND, marked by successive splits, provide complementary perspectives.
Quoted by Young AfricaMohamed Ouzzine emphasizes that this coalition is the result of in-depth reflection. For him, the 2021 elections, far from easing tensions, have exacerbated latent unease. He clarifies that the block is not a miracle solution. Through regional tours, the alliance aims to meet citizens, collect their grievances and enrich its program. Asked about a possible merger of the three parties before the 2026 elections, Ouzzine was categorical: “There is no question of it for the moment, but we remain open to all the living forces wishing to contribute to the construction of a new Morocco».
Positioning itself as a constructive opposition, the movement promises to offer pragmatic alternatives without falling into systematic protest. “Confidence in politics has eroded due to illusory promises and excessive attachment to money», Regrets Ouzzine. He calls for a break with what he describes as “conspiracy of silence» to re-establish a sincere dialogue.
-On the debate around the reform of the Moudawana, the Popular Bloc advocates a balanced consensus, respecting the religious and cultural foundations of Morocco while integrating modernist aspirations. “We organized seminars, consulted experts and took the pulse of the population», explains Ouzzine. A memorandum addressed to the body overseeing the reform emphasizes the importance of ijtihad to address family issues, while preserving the fundamental precepts of the Koran. In short, nothing new.
Par Walid Ayadi
01/16/2025 at 8:23 p.m.