Over the period 2017-2021, 627 people in prison died by suicide (including 598 people in prison and 95.5% men). The annual suicide rate was 17 per 10,000 people for men and 23 per 10,000 people for women. It was, at the same age, 10 times higher for men and 40 times higher for women in prison than in the general population. A psychiatric disorder was reported during detention for 64% of suicide cases. Among those affected, almost a third had no known psychiatric history before incarceration. Suicide had been preceded by one or more suicide attempts for 46% of cases, before or during incarceration. The week preceding the suicide, a significant event, most often of a criminal, prison or family nature, was found for 61% of cases and 60% had consulted the health unit. At the time of the suicide, a suicidal risk had been identified by the prison administration for 44% of cases. The suicide rate is 6 times higher in the first week of detention, twice as high in pre-trial detention, and 14% of suicides occurred in the disciplinary unit. Public Health France considers that the suicide mortality rate among prisoners constitutes a point of attention and highlights the importance of strengthening the deployment of suicide prevention systems in prisons.
Auteur : Vanhaesebrouck Alexis
Year of publication: 2025
Pages : 6 p.
Collection : Studies and surveys