What is happening with the mail in Sorgues? For several months, a wind of discontent has been blowing in certain districts of the city, mainly Boulevard Allende and Route d'Entraigue. A private discussion group was even created on Facebook, and addressed Julien Courbet, denouncing the lack of distribution of letters and the problems that could arise from this.
In the latter, the comments are pouring in: “I collect packages and letters in my box intended for neighbors” post Christian C. “I have not had any mail delivery for months” emphasizes Ève D. “Our mail is returned to the sender while that of the former tenants is in our box” specifies Cécile K. “I suffered big financial losses because I did not receive my letters on time” indicates Magali G, the creator of the private group who has since moved to Montfavet.
The mayor of…