For certain streets, such as Avenue du Roi, among others, “where the sidewalk is wide enough”, “we could perhaps consider a layout around twenty centimeters wider to avoid these inconveniences“, proposed the agent.
The Brussels Open-VLD wants to eliminate the one-euro Stib subscription: “it’s untenable”, assures Frédéric De Gucht
“A deliberate choice by the automobile industry”
Pour la ministre Elke Van den Brandt (Green), “the size of parking spaces has not decreased, it is cars that have become wider and taller than before. “Which has a negative impact on road safety. It’s not a law of nature: vehicles don’t grow on their own. It is a deliberate choice of the automobile industry to increasingly produce models that are too wide for existing public spaces.“, deplores the minister, who calls for European measures in this area.
Telecom operators have work to do: the fiber boxes on the facades will almost all have to be replaced
According to the minister, the current standard in Brussels is 2 meters wide for a place, with a minimum of 1.80m. The responsibility of the Brussels Region has never been incurred due to damage linked to a location deemed too small. “Anyone who parks their car must check whether there is enough space.”recalls the minister.