Who will operate the Saint-Brieuc Bay Golf course? While the equipment seemed promised to a giant in the golf course operations sector, Ronan Kerdraon surprised his world, Friday January 10, by announcing during Plourhan's wish ceremony “that he would propose, this week, to the executive office of the agglomeration that this golf course be kept under direct management, thus renouncing the public service delegation (DSP). »
If nothing has yet been officially decided, the 18 holes of Lantic now have every chance of being further exploited by the agglomeration in the years to come. The result of a campaign led behind the scenes by several players in this issue, first and foremost the mayor of Plourhan, Loïc Raoult. And the application of an “intangible jurisprudence” for the Saint-Brieuc agglomeration according to its president: that of “doing nothing against the territory. »
Exclusive negotiations were underway with Bluegreen
Since the call for tenders closed this summer, the agglomeration had entered into the negotiation phase with only one company: Bluegreen. Number 1 in the sector in France, the company manages 43 golf courses including that of Pléneuf-Val-André.
But, while a proposed agreement was taking shape between community services and Bluegreen, others were campaigning at the same time to derail the deal. Loïc Raoult is one of them and makes no secret of it: “I have always been quite reluctant about this delegation. It had to be a plus compared to direct management and I didn't see how that was the case. »
Equipment at the origin of the community of communes of Sud-Goëlo
The granting of the operation of the golf course to Bluegreen has sparked opposition for several months, bringing together several elected officials from Sud-Goëlo and the golfers themselves, who are united within an association. The latter feared a significant increase in contributions and, more generally, the abandonment of the “friendly and popular” spirit. The vagueness surrounding the future of the restaurant, the maintenance of which was not guaranteed in the initial conditions of the call for tenders, was also a subject of concern.
Another argument to which Ronan Kerdraon was sensitive: history. “Golf was the first object of the equipment union of the canton of Étables-sur-Mer at the origin of the Sud-Goëlo community of communes,” insists Loïc Raoult.
What about the investments deemed necessary?
If the arguments of local elected officials hit the mark, the motivations which led to a DSP remain. In particular the question of financing the necessary investments. If an increase in contributions already appears to have been recorded, it will not be enough to pay for a brand new watering system and mowing equipment, estimated at €1 million.
“We will undoubtedly need new directions and accept an increase in contributions”, underlines Loïc Raoult, who questions, “perhaps a little naively”: “If it is interesting for a private company, why would it not be for the community? »
Collaboration between those responsible for the golf course and the city's services is also an avenue for improvement, the unique functioning of a public company with a commercial vocation having been able to cause some tensions: “These are two slightly different worlds, between the very “public” management of an urban area and that of a commercial facility, which requires a lot of responsiveness and inventiveness. We may need to give him a little more freedom,” analyzes Loïc Raoult.