Since France’s recognition of Morocco’s sovereignty over Western Sahara at the end of July 2024, diplomatic positions between Rabat and Paris have become clearer. In this context, Hanane Mansouri, UDR deputy for Isère, sent a letter to the President of the National Assembly to request the abolition of the parliamentary study group devoted to Western Sahara.
The elected official close to Eric Ciotti (ally of the RN) believes that this group, still active, “contradicts the official position of the French state”, reaffirmed by Emmanuel Macron during his state visit to Morocco. According to Mansouri, maintaining this body could cause “misunderstandings” among Moroccan partners, with whom France maintains historic strategic relations.
This initiative is part of a dynamic already started in December, when MP Naïma Moutchou (Horizons) opposed pro-Polisario lobbying within the National Assembly, denouncing its inadequacy with Paris’ current foreign policy.
-Hanane Mansouri therefore calls for steps aimed at dissolving this parliamentary group, the existence of which would, according to her, “now be obsolete in light of France’s official positions”.