Morocco is now the leading tourist destination in Africa (17.4 million tourists in 2024), ahead of Egypt (15.7 million) and Tunisia (10 million), its direct competitors in the south of the Mediterranean.
With 17.4 million tourists at the end of December, Morocco has largely achieved its objective for 2024. An objective which seemed ambitious and which represents an increase of 20% compared to 2023, or nearly 3 million additional tourists.
This figure brings together the arrivals of foreigners who reach 8.8 million visitors (+23%), and those of Moroccans living abroad (MRE) who represent 8.6 million arrivals (+17%).
The balanced distribution between foreigners (51%) and MRE (49%) demonstrates the continued attractiveness of the destination for these two segments.
These results, which exceed 2019 data by 35%, attest to the relevance of Morocco’s tourism roadmap and confirm that the country is now an essential tourist destination, the first in Africa, ahead of Egypt (15.7 million) and Tunisia (10 million), its direct competitors in the south of the Mediterranean.
Fatim-Zahra Ammor, Minister of Tourism, Crafts and the Social and Solidarity Economy, explains: “This exceptional performance is the result of our government’s targeted investments in this vital sector for our country’s economy, as well as the constant mobilization of professionals in the sector, whether public or private, which have enabled Moroccan tourism to shine”.
I. B.